Believing in a Lie

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✧ Chapter 6 ✧
[ Believing in a Lie ]
✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧

Kokichi held his own neck and stumbled into his room, sliding the key card to lock the door behind him. The area where Maki has dug her nails into was hurting a lot. More than he let on.

"Ouma? Kokichi, what happened?" Keebo Tetsuya asked urgently as he got up from the bed. "Did you get hurt?!"

Kokichi winced, taking his hand away from his neck and seeing spots of pink blood on his fingers. Maki had dug her nails into his skin so hard, she had drawn blood.

"Ouma! That's blood.. what happened?" his roommate asked, concern in his voice.

"Bloody hell, Keeboy, it's just a small wound. Oh I made a pun." he tried to smile, but it just sent another sting of pain.

"Ugh, just get me some meds or something.. how do you freaking treat neck wounds?" Kokichi asked him hoarsely.

"Um, just because I'm the Ultimate Robotics Scientist, doesn't mean I know everything." Keebo frowned, "I'm better at robotics than humans."

Kokichi raised an eyebrow at Keebo, who shrugged. The purple haired boy sighed, "Forget it. I'll just go to the bathroom and wash off the blood, I don't think it'll be that bad, right?"

[ Twenty minutes later ]

"How long did she even hold you up?" Keebo asked Kokichi who was staring at the nail marks on his pale skin in the bathroom. "..."

Kokichi didn't answer him, just running his fingers against his own neck to get used to the sting of pain. He didn't expect Maki to suddenly burst in and interrupt his moment with Shuichi. Damnit..

And those scars against his neck were ugly..

Keebo frowned when Kokichi sighed, "Long enough for her to leave scars, duh." at least his voice was back to normal. A little rough, but otherwise fine. He glanced at Keebo, who was standing at the door of the bathroom.

"You know that box I told you not to touch?" Kokichi asked him, looking back at the mirror.

"What about it?"

Kokichi hesitated, wondering if he should finish his sentence.

"Can you grab me the bandanna inside? The black and white one."

Keebo nodded, walking away as the purple haired boy sighed. He had one chance with Shuichi but that was ruined by Maki.. oh well. He thought as Keebo handed him the bandanna.

There was always another time. Maybe an even better opportunity for him to tell Shuichi what he wanted to say.

"You shouldn't really tie that around your neck, Ouma.. the wound has to heal properly."

"Saihara-chan doesn't need to see the scars." Kokichi replied, dropping his hands to his side as he stared at himself in the mirror.

"You're still hung up about Saihara? I thought you said-."

"I know what I said, Keeboy. And I've fought it for months. If my love's stronger than the serum, what can they do?" he looked at his best friend, who seemed a little loss for words.

"They'll kill you if the serum doesn't work, Ouma. Remember?"

"Then it's a risk I'm willing to take." Kokichi turned away from the mirror, and went over to his bed.

Kokichi heard the other boy sigh, and flick the bathroom lights off. Keebo was a great friend, a little serious most of the time, but with a big heart.

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