Was to Rely On You

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✧ Chapter 52 ✧
[ Was to Rely On You ]
♥*♡∞:。.。  。.。:∞♡*♥
[ Shuichi's PoV ]

"It's no use trying to get away, Shuichi.."

Kaito, my best friend whom I've trusted for years, who was watching me fail over and over again.. was talking to me once again.

He looked unconcerned as I tried, once again, to pull my arms out of the cold metal links which were holding me down. The temperature in the room was low, and my fingers were numb. On the glossy white floor, I could clearly see my reflection.

A pale blue haired teenager.. with metal chains weighing him down and a bandage wrapped hastily around his head stared back at me. I couldn't recognise myself..

A loud click made me tear my eyes away from the floor to look at Kaito once more. He was standing by a control panel, with a array of buttons and lever arranged on it like a complicated puzzle. His hand was holding onto a yellow lever, and I held my breath.

"What are you.. doing?" I managed to whisper, my voice uneven and wobbly. I was so tired.. I could barely stay on my feet. "What have they done to you?"

"Correction." he replied as he started to push the lever up, "It's what have you done to me. You and your little motto to rid the world of Love.. just because you couldn't get what you wanted."

As he pushed the lever, the warmer the metal cuffs around my wrists became. "That wasn't me!" I tried to protest once more, though I knew it was futile, "I don't remember-."

"That's not an excuse," Kaito replied simply, as the metal became even warmer, starting to become uncomfortable. "Your past actions have consequences.. don't believe me? Watch this.."

He pulled the lever to turn the heat down, but leaving it slightly warm against my skin.

"As a precaution.." he smiled slightly, gesturing to a red button at the corner of the room, "You can't reach the 'off' button over there.."

The pressure in my throat died as soon as the metal cooled. But I knew I was just prolonging the inevitable. The magenta haired teenager gestured to the polished white wall in front of me, which suddenly flickered to life. A projection?

Of.. myself.

I watched as a video played, it's audio grimy and barely intelligible. The time stamp on the right hand corner read that the video seemed to be more than six years ago.

"My name's Shuichi Saihara, leader of Team Danganronpa's newest project. I plan to spread this message across the world, and to stop Love."

The boy on screen clenched his fists, staring up at the camera with a shaky smile, he was dressed in a striped uniform of some type, and a familiar hat covered half his face, "If no one loves, the world will be a much better place. Won't it? No more fighting. No more wars. Because wars happen when your love for something makes you want to protect it."

"So I say, help me to bring people in and.. save them all, the Reverse Serum enables you remove memories of your loved ones. Those who were rejected, those who can't find love. And those.." the boy's voice wavered as he took a shaky breath, "Those who fall in love too easily."

There was a pause as the boy's hands hung by his sides, just staring up at the camera. There was a quiet murmur in the background and the shuffling of papers. A shadow towered over the old Shuichi, who stood his ground.

"Is that all you want to say?" A feminine voice behind the camera whispered so quietly, I had to strain my ears to hear her. "It hardly seems to be.."

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