Crying Out to No One

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✧ Chapter 26 ✧
[ Crying Out to No One ]
✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧

"I pushed Mikan!" Mondo exclaimed as everyone looked at him with a mixture of horror and disbelief. The boy was just clenching his right fist into a tight ball while facing the laughing Monokuma.

The bear just continued to laugh even after five minutes of silence had passed, "It's about time! Man, I was getting so bored!"

"Wait- what?!" Ishimaru sputtered, "What do you mean? How?"

Mondo glared at Monokuma, unable to face Ishimaru or Chihiro, "I received a note that Mikan was plotting something. And of course, I went to confront her."

"M-Me?" the girl whimpered, "But- I didn't do anything! I swear!"

Mondo glared at her and pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket. It was a simple yellow paper, with letters from a newspaper pasted on it to form words. It was smart, since that way, no one could figure out any handwriting.

'Mikan Tsumiki is plotting someone against your friends. Stop her!' the words read.

"So do you blame me for getting suspicious?" Mondo demanded, gripping the paper tightly, "Although I must admit.." he looked down at the ground, "I broke a promise.. I never should've pushed her."

"Owada.." Ishimaru muttered, sounding defeated. "No.. I don't want to believe it!"

"Sorry boy-o!" Monokuma sang cheerfully, sitting up on his seat, "You heard it straight from the person himself! He's involved in our false alarm! So.." the bear cleared his throat.

"Mondo Owada, the Ultimate Biker Gang Leader will be punished along with Mikan Tsumiki, the Ultimate Nurse!"

"No.. NO!" Chihiro yelled as Mondo hung his head, defeated. The girl seemed completely shocked at the turn of events. "Mondo! This.. this is wrong! This was never supposed to happen!"

"You." Shuichi flinched, when he heard a new voice from his left.

He tore his eyes away from the crying Ishimaru and faced the one and only Gundham Tanaka. He towered over him, as per usual, but something was wrong. There was worry in the other's mismatched eyes.

"Tanaka-?" Shuichi frowned, wondering why did the older male call him.

"..." Gundham looked down at Shuichi for a moment before wordlessly gesturing for him to follow. "Leave your friend behind," Gundham said quietly just as Kaede was about to join them. "It won't do if there are others around who can draw attention to our conversation."

Shuichi was about to protest when Kaede just nodded understandably. "It's alright, go on and talk to Gundham, Shuichi, I'll be right here."

Gundham gave Kaede a disapproving sigh before promptly leading Shuichi out of the gymnasium to talk.

"I wish you can make the naive girl stop saying my forbidden name." Gundham huffed once they were outside.

"Um.. is that all you wanted to tell me?" Shuichi asked meekly, since he had never really talked to the older male very much. Unless he counted that strange incident of Tanaka standing outside his room, that is.

"What? No, you blunt fool. I just wanted to inform you of something rather.. peculiar. You seem to be a reliable individual. And furthermore, you are the Ultimate Detective, are you not?"

"Uh.. first of all, thank you?" Shuichi scratched the back of his neck, wondering if that was a compliment or not. "Secondly, why didn't you ask Kirigiri? She's a Detective too."

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