The Plague That I Have Caught

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✧ Chapter 70 ✧
[ C3: The Plague That I Have Caught ]
▹⋇⋆**❀ ❀** ⋆⋇◃
[ Shuichi's PoV ]

P.S A long chapter because- WE JUST HIT CHAPTER 70 and it's a whole number. And also. 300 followers and almost 40k reads-?! OMG you guys. At least this the only thing going smoothly in my life. And also. The song is almost finished. BUT ANYWAY, THANK YOU SO MUCH 💕😽 *Hands out 🥐* (I forgot how to spell them) I CANT THANK YOU ALL ENOUGH ☺️💕 HERE'S YOUR REWARD.

Okay, maybe not. As soon we we got back to the dormitories, Kokichi had given me a smirk and scampered off as quickly as a rat. Making me wonder why did he have to follow me all the way to the door of my room.

Kaito sighed, closing the door behind us. "There goes the timetable then. We're not going to get lessons. All we're going to do is to meet people and collect little flower petals. What does that rabbit think we are? Kindergarteners?"

I didn't want to tell him what I was thinking at the moment. I saw the plan as a good way to talk to Kokichi, to find out his story. There was something about him.. something familiar.

It gnawed at the back of my mind, trying to get my attention the more I focused. But every time I felt close to remembering something important, it was gone once more. As if some force were interrupting my train of thought and leaving me blank. It was annoying..

Maybe a walk would help things.. my mother always told me to take a stroll to help clear my head after all. I felt slightly embarrassed to follow her advice, but what choice did I have?

"I'm going out." I told my roommate, who was swiping through his tablet and muttering something about 'morning lakes'. Even though I had just entered the room, I found it quite boring to laze around. So perhaps, I should do as Usami says and make some 'friends'.

"Good luck with Maki." I called to my roommate quickly before leaving.

A loud, "No!" shouted back in response.

I managed a laugh, before hearing a loud slam which echoed throughout the entire building. For a moment, I thought it were thunder, but the slam sounded again, making me frown harder. It was too intentional, too quick to make it sound as though it were an accident.

It was followed by raised voices and a laugh which sounded too forced for my liking..

Since I didn't have anything else to do.. I followed the voices, ignoring the other students who seemed to be concerned by the sounds as well. "That way." a terrified looking senior pointed towards the stairs, which lead to the second floor. He seemed to be clutching a drawing tablet, his blond hair flattened and unkept. I made sure he was alright before following the raised voices again.

"- ya lyin' little snitch!" a female voice exclaimed followed by that same laugh.

"Nishishi~ I wasn't lying.. it's the truth you desire!"


I hurried to the stairs, going down and stopping to see a girl and the familiar purple haired boy. The new girl had long strawberry-blonde hair, held back by a pair of goggles, her icy blue eyes burning with anger at Ouma. The boy seemed relaxed, even though he was standing before a girl who was clearly losing her patience with him.

"You better keep your fucking rat snout out of this-."

"Or what?" Kokichi challenged, his tone suddenly changing to a mocking one, hands behind his head, "You're gonna push me down the stairs? Please. You're trying to hook up with my best friend and you're only reacting this way because you're guilty of harassing him."

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