A Beautiful Lie

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✧ Chapter 55 ✧
[ A Beautiful Lie ]
♥*♡∞:。.。  。.。:∞♡*♥
[ Kokichi's PoV ]

"Ouma!" Kirumi rushed forward and suddenly embraced me into a hug. I froze, not expecting this sudden gesture. "Oh thank goodness you're alright.." she sighed as I slowly hugged back, surprised to feel myself turn red.

No one had ever been this happy to see me before.. "Hey mom, it's unusual for you to be so clingy.." I managed to say after I pulled away from her.

"Degenerate male.." Tenko greeted me with a small smile, as Himiko waved at me from behind her. Most of my classmates were here, amongst some other students I've seen around, but knew their names.

Tsumugi was here, holding up a roll of fabric with Gonta behind her. I was really surprised to see the blue haired girl, honestly. But then again, she was always a sucker for romance and loved to secretly ship people together.

"Shouldn't we be careful with him?" Komaru Naegi suggested as Toko stood beside her, wielding her electrical stun gun with clasped hands. The nerdy looking student seemed to be wearing a bandanna around her neck, much like mine. And I wondered what was it's purpose. After all, I believed in various purposes for different types of accessories.

"It's alright, Remnants," Komaeda held up his hands to settle everyone down. He was obviously one of the leaders of this place. "I've questioned him enough, and I can officially say that the Hospital has removed his memories."

"So can we.. lock him up? He's still dangerous.. him and his lies.." Himiko spoke up, dragging her words with the same speed as a sloth moves, "He could be lying about having his memories being removed.. but I have a spell we can use.. it could kill him but-."

I stepped back as Nagito shook his head, "No killing, remember, Himiko. Now everyone, do your usual jobs. And this time, please don't let Kirumi do it all by herself.." he looked around the place, making me realise that I have not even seen the state of the 'Hideout'.

The stone hallway we had exited from had opened up to reveal that the Hideout, appeared to be a cave. Yellow fairy lights were strung everywhere, making the pale grey rocks turn into beautiful hues of dark gold and yellow. Reminding me of a particular individual's eyes..

On the floor, there were empty drink crates everywhere. Some were broken in half, others were still intact or barely hanging by a few splinters. There were also different coloured bunk beds strewn everywhere and hammocks hanging with the help of some cleverly placed boxes.

This Hideout seemed to be a place where refugees went. Or people who needed a place to stay. Run down, and barely suitable for human habitation. But judging by the many white chalked tally-marks lining the walls... the occupants of this place must've been staying here for quite a long time.

"Ouma." I heard Keebo say my name, bringing me out of my thoughts. "You okay?"

Am I okay? I haven't heard those words in quite a long time. I smirked, "Well duh, except, I'm hungry.. I haven't had a thing to eat in ages and I swear, this time, I'm not lying."

"I'll bring you some food, Mr Ouma.. don't worry," Kirumi said seriously and wandered off. I realised that everyone seemed to be wearing a sort of necklace around their necks. It glowed with faint blue light, it's surface reflected with rainbow colours. Hey.. that reminded me of that time where Monokuma announced.. Miss Chisa's death..

My heart pained slightly, but I brushed the feeling away. Wait- how did I remember that? I frowned, looking at the palm of my hand. Hmm..

"Komaeda!" I flinched as soon as that vaguely familiar voice called out. I turned, half expecting to see annoying Piano Freak but instead, was greeted by a girl with long lavender coloured hair and almost the same shade of eye colour. She had on a open black jacket over a white shirt, with a layered skirt and black boots.

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