The Pain That I Never End

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A/N: ⚠️
Heads up: This chapter will contain fan-game characters you might, or might not know. But I'll do my best to explain along the way. :)

And maybe, I'll draw how they look like, but if you can't wait, go search them up 😹😊 But if you do know them.. EeeeeeeEEEEE PALM TREE MAN. HEHEHE. (sorry, ahem. i'm a wild fangirl)

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

✧ Chapter 65 ✧
[ The Pain That I Never End ]
♥*♡∞:。.。  。.。:∞♡*♥
[ Kokichi's PoV ]

I stepped into the factory, looking up at the machine. It was a menacing looking object, towering to the ceiling with its pipes and glass chambers.

Circled around its base was a warning, a shade of maroon and practically written in block letters as 'DANGER', though it didn't discourage me from moving towards it.

The whole atmosphere seemed to have a tense kind of feeling; as if the place were bracing itself or holding its breath.

Behind me, were two people tagging along, talking to each other as if they were at a party. Or maybe because they didn't seem to take this seriously.

The taller of the two had a head of bright green hair, though he had a simple black hoodie covering most of it prevent it from being too obvious. He did look strange without his usual hat, but he managed to sling his goggles around his neck along with a simple blue scarf. Two gold badges decorated the cloth, a smiley face and a frowny one; like opera masks.

Donned with the black hoodie of the Remnants of Love and a simple pair of black jeans, he could pass off as a shadow ninja or something. That is, if ninjas had bright green hair (which defeats the purpose of sneaking around anyway).

His eyes matched the colour of his hair, which made me realise he looked slightly like Rantaro, but Teruya Ōtori acted nothing like the adventurer. The merchant was annoying sometimes and a little mistrustful, but I needed his help for several reasons..

"Hey, grape boy," Teruya exclaimed a little too loudly, as if realising that we were just standing in silence, "What do you need us to do again?"

"Jeez idiot.." the third person of our trio spoke up with a huff, adjusting the brim of his hat. "Weren't you listening to Ouma? Or were you just rambling on about money again?"

"Excuse me-!"

"You are excused.." The journalist interrupted him, looking bored as if he wanted to be anywhere but here. "I only agreed to help because you two will get killed. The dumb, and the dumber."

I smirked, finding his 'insults' lame, "I think you forgot who you're talking to, Yomiuri. I'm the leader, so what I say, goes! Now shut up with your useless chatter and help."

Nikei Yomiuri was a piece of work.. though I admit, he was good at attack more than defence. After all, he used to be the leader amongst his own group in the Monokuma Traitors and was skilled with a gun. But please. He wasn't as scary as some people portrayed him as.

The journalist had dark black hair which covered his left eye and pale skin. He had a defiant frown on his face and light lavender eyes. He was dressed the same way as Teruya, black shirt, jeans, shoes... but Nikei had stubbornly worn his old Monokuma Traitors hoodie around his waist.

The two teenagers complemented each other the way some colours would, though it can be a headache to listen them talk over one another. After all, their common trait was being talkative, which I found annoying.

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