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I rubbed my temples, grumbling under my breath as Ryuu rambled on to no one in particular. I didn't even know what he was going on about at this point, having tuned him out at least five hours ago. Katsu, on the other hand, didn't pick up on my idea, somehow able to withstand his dozens of questions and ADD train of thought. 

"It's frowned upon for a Sensei to kill their own student... but I'm reaching my breaking point..." Momo placed her hands on either side of her face, almond eyes narrowed ahead on the grassy terrain of the path. Her normal bouncy personally had deflated, Ryuu sucking all the energy out of the group for himself. It was expected from him though. His energy levels were through the roof more often than not. I don't think there was ever a day where he wasn't running on level one hundred.

"Hey, hey, how much farther you guys?! I'm getting real hungry. I could go for something tasty right about now... but I'm not sure what I'm in the mood for. Maybe some stir fry? Nah. Ramen? Nahhhh I had that last night. I dunno. I've been thinking about cutting back on the unhealthy stuff though. Loadin' up more on the greens. Thinking about getting real healthy."

"I'm thinking about shutting you up," I grumbled, glaring daggers at him out of the corner of my eye. I crossed my arms over my chest, blowing at the stray hairs that fell in my face. 

The Land of Fire lived up to its name, the boiling temperature putting me into even more of a sour mood than I already was. I wasn't built for the heat, and I definitely preferred the moderate temperatures of the Land of Lightning. Even underneath a canopy of trees, I felt like I was going to melt into a puddle. I ran out of water just a half an hour back and was parched. My mouth felt like the suna desert.

But I was not, under no circumstances, going to drink out of any of my teammates' water bottles. It's disgusting and highly unsanitary. Plus, they just seemed like the type to backwash, and I wasn't going to take any chances. Call me a germaphobe... whatever. Not like I cared. 

Ryuu gasped, clenching his shirt over where his heart was supposed to be. "So harsh!"

"Completely brutal, Ko-chan." Katsu sighed deeply, casting a side glance my way. I shot him a look in return, squinting, trying to see what he was getting at. But he only gave me a small, teasing smile, along with a shake of his head. 

"Don't call me that." 

"Hm... why not?"

"Because I said so!"

"Ah! Would you look at that!" Momo grinned, pointing to a large structure that stood not too far away. She was probably glad to have something to distract us with to prevent the fight from escalating. For whatever reason, Katsu enjoyed getting beneath my skin and setting me off. He was like a match to a puddle of gasoline, that puddle of gasoline being myself. He didn't say a lot of those things on purpose. Or at least, I didn't think he did. He was always much calmer compared to Ryuu and myself. But he also had more fun than any sane person would when it came to pushing other people's buttons. 

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