twenty seven

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So let's do a bit of a recap here.

I'm walking down the hall, trialing behind Shikamaru and Naruto. We're not doing anything too special—just getting ready to taunt one of their friends with food they can't have. Only for me to realize that, hey, there's someone in a private hospital room when they really should not be. And it's not just anyone's hospital room. Upon closer examination, I was just thrilled to realize that it was Rock Lee's hospital room.

This guy wasn't here to drop of some flowers and pay a friendly visit either. No—my strong sense of intuition didn't have to tell me that. The sand curling over Lee's sleeping body and moving to wrap around his neck was plenty of a telltale sign.

So I did just what any logical human being would do in that situation.

I socked him in the jaw.


I looked back over my shoulder, my hands clutching the front of the assholes clothes who thought they could just come into Lee's room and attempt to fucking murder him.

Shikamaru winced, bending back on his thighs in a really weird stance. Noticing my staring, he gave a little grunt, gesturing to his legs. "Wanna let the guy up? And try not to hit him while you're at it. Anything he feels, I feel too."

I looked down, finally getting a good look at the guy who had the fucking audacity to try and murder someone while they laid in a hospital bed. Not to mention while they were out cold and completely defensive.

He looked at me in confusion, but it wasn't as though he was only confused. He seemed almost careless that he was hit, but also...angry at the same time? It was a little hard to gauge what this guy was feeling. Mostly because I'd never been in tune with emotions to begin with, but also because this guy was just...there. He didn't say anything. He didn't make an expression. The only thing that gave away any sort of emotion was his light colored, sea foam green eyes.

My eyes widened, it clicking into place.

This was that freaky sand dude with the gourd! He was the one giving me all those scary ass vibes during the preliminary rounds, and was the other team that arrived at the tower before mine did. I remembered how much this dude freaked me out, and it took a lot to get me freaked out.

"Kohana." Said Shikamaru again, trying to get me to release the guy. "Let me up, will you?"

I tightened my grip on his clothes and grit my teeth, maintaining eye contact with him. He didn't make any expression, red hair flopped back as I tipped him toward the ground. I growled under my breath, knuckles turning white.

I didn't like this guy one bit.


I let go of his clothes and backed up a few paces, not moving my gaze. He was still trapped in Shikamaru's shadow possession Jutsu, but I was nervous about him doing something unexpected and attacking us. I wasn't sure why he was in Lee's room trying to kill him. But I wasn't about to give him the chance to attack me or the others either.

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