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This girl was pissed. And when I say pissed, I mean hella pissed. Teeth baring, snarling, looking as though she wanted to take my head off, pissed. Which was part of the reason why I chose to stand farther away than I really needed to. At halfway across the clearing, a nice space cushion was between us... so in other words, I was not in range where she could easily claw off my head.

Not that I didn't understand why she was pissed, or that I was annoyed at it. Believe me—I understood. If someone ripped my tanto away without a moment of hesitation, only for it to be dangled in front of my face like a fucking dog treat, I'd be fuming too.

The fact I understood didn't mean I liked being on the other end of said anger though.

And I could safely say taking the fan was not a course of action she expected me to take. Telling from her anger at least. Really, I wasn't sure where the hell I even got the idea to take it away from her either. I think I was more pissed off I was getting beat up by a fucking fan and did it out of sheer spite. It was a good thing I did, though. Taking the weapon seemed to eliminate my problem. For now.

Come on. I didn't think all of this chicks strength relied on her fan. That'd be a pretty stupid ass thing to do. Talk about dumbest bitch of the century. Even I wasn't stupid enough to only rely on only kenjutsu, or only ninjutsu.

Like I said before, as a graduation requirement from the cloud, we were to have one thing we specialized in, like kenjutsu (in my case) or fuinjutsu (like Ryuu). But that didn't mean we had no other skills either. Having something to fall back on if everything went to shit with your specialty was a key component to staying actually alive.

Wasn't sure if Sunakagure had the foresight of these teachings.

Temari grit her teeth. "Why you little..."

"While I understand the figure of speech," I gave her fan a little shake for good measure, before gesturing to my long ass legs. "I am far from little."

Temari clenched her fist, hand trembling at her side. I was waiting for the smoke to start pouring out of her ears. If she looked pissed before—oh boy was this a whole 'nother level of pissed off I had only dreamed of getting out of someone on the battle field.

Okay, okay. I'll admit provoking her probably wasn't the smartest thing to do... and as if she wasn't already pissed off at me for taking away her toy, I couldn't help but play with her a little more. I was trying become a better person, but pissing people off was still so fucking fun. It was gonna take a lot longer to break that habit. Wasn't sure I ever would, really.

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