fifty three

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The next morning I didn't stick around there long. I got up before anyone else had and went to get some breakfast. Alone. I ate by myself in the back of a lesser flocked to diner, pulling apart my breakfast roll and glaring at the booth across from me.

It was early, how I liked it. The sun was barely out, peaking over the horizon and covering the village in pink and purple hues. It was quiet too, which usually would have bothered me, but I needed some time to sulk for a bit. And mull over my next move. Especially as it seemed those I thought I could call friends, and the one person I thought I could call family, either didn't want anything to do with me, or was astoundingly disappointed at my actions. Astoundingly disappointed by an action I wasn't allowed to explain.

Screwing my face into a distasteful look, I ripped at the bread and stuffed it into my mouth. I slid farther down into the booth and chewed, burning holes into the cushion across me.

Maybe I could just dye my hair a crazy color, change my name, and go live in a random village somewhere in the land of waves. Totally disappear like I never even existed. Kohana? Who's that? Never heard of her—


I froze, slowly looking up and meeting the dark gaze of my more mature teammate.

Katsu settled himself into the booth across from me where I had been glaring daggers at before. He folded his arms on top of the table, giving me a deep look of concern. I didn't say anything, continuing to chew and maintain eye contact with him.

This went on for a little while longer. So I took the opportunity to my leisure, and eyed the white single strapped flack jacket layered over his red quarter zip pull over. His hair was fluffy and fell over his eyes as he watched me, waiting for me to make the first move. Which was a total waste of time, because there was no way I was gonna fucking do it first.

"Kenji-san dropped by my place yesterday." He said, finally giving in and speaking first.

I didn't say anything in response, continuing to watch him and chew on my bread.

"He said you two got into a fight. He also said he found out that you were part of the... gang again. Or that you did another job with them. Said you tried to explain yourself, seemed almost desperate to, but he was so angry he didn't allow you to." Katsu sighed deeply, rubbing side of his face. Slowly, he removed his hand, letting it rest back on the table again. He met my eyed with a sincere look. "...he told me you packed a bag and left. Didn't know where though. He came to my house to see if that's where you ended up, but when you weren't there, he only got even more worked up. Honestly freaked me out too."

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