twenty two

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I wrinkled my nose, standing outside of Konoha's hospital with a bouquet of flowers in my hand.

Now don't you dare get the wrong idea here—it wasn't my choice to get these nasty ass flowers for Katsu. Trust me—I thought flowers were nothing but a waste of money and hassle to get. You payed anywhere between 10-15 ryo for a decent set only for it to die within a few weeks. Not to mention over half of them smelt like literal ass.

But my old man handed me a couple ryo and pushed me on my way to the hospital with the chicken shit reason of 'needing to support my teammates'. He told me bringing a gift like flowers to a hospital was just common decency.

Even though I tried to argue that I didn't have common decency, he told me he didn't care and to get my ass to the hospital anyway.

So here I stood, in front of this sheer white hospital, probably loaded to the brim with sick and dying people, family and friends around them throwing a pity party.

The mental images of snot nosed family members, tears running down their cheeks and lips pointed into frowns made me feel nauseous. Hospitals were overloaded with these sad fuckers, which was why I stayed the hell away. Why would anyone put themselves in the position where they would come across these groups of people? No one—and when I say no one, I mean no one—wanted to be around a sad person if they could help it.

I already had a plan in mind anyway to avoid having to stay too long in the hospital. I was to beeline toward Katsu's hospital room, drop the flowers on the table when he wasn't looking, then make some bullshit excuse that he was taking a shit while I showed up and I had better things to do than just wait around.

Which wasn't a total lie. My old man promised to meet me back at the training grounds later to work on some new lightning ninjutsu, so that was going to take up a big chunk of my day.

The outside of Konoha hospital was a bit too pretty for my liking, which only made my nausea spike.

The stone pathway was surrounded by a collection of colorful flowers, bees buzzing around the plants and edging along their bloom. Sakura trees towered in the yard, lined by little fences that wrapped around the trunk in a complete circle. It reminded me of something you would see in an ultra rich neighborhood for snobby people. I was surprised there wasn't any fucking water fountains with golden fish swimming around inside them.

I snorted, before fluffing my dark hair and casting a glance down to the pink flowers in my other hand. I grimaced, before looking up to the front of the hospital with the same nasty grimace on my features.

This fucking sucked. Here I was, trying to squeeze in some good training before I had to battle in front of a bunch of damn Kage to see if I had what it took to be promoted to chunin. But no—I just had to come and visit my dumbass teammate.

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