twenty six

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I was thoroughly and completely exhausted.

Three weeks had flown by before I knew it, and the day before the chunin exams was knocking at my door. Training non-stop, everyday, all day, till I dropped threw my sense of time out of wack. Days squished together, drills squished together, spars squished together, so much so that I had began to forget what day I had learned what technique and what day I had earned a certain bruise.

It gave me a sense of nostalgia to when I had first become a genin. My old man had me training almost just as hard as this back then. Only now, he was training me with more difficulty, and with much, much more intensity.

I think it was partially due to the fact I was older and could take more—but it was also because I had an actual goal to become chunin now. I'd wanted to be promoted before, but more so I could get away from Ryuu and Katsu.

Now I actually wanted the promotion to become stronger. Not to get away from anyone.

I wasn't becoming strong only for the sake of strength. I was becoming strong to get a promotion and actually advance my career as a ninja. Not to mention, if I wanted to help protect others, and I truly wanted to change who I was and the way I lived my life, I needed to be strong.

But even with the additional diversity of working on other areas like taijutsu (including chakra wires. Wowie were those things useful and cool as hell) I still couldn't get anywhere with that damn jutsu my old man had shown me.

Every time I even attempted to use it, it would only cause a massive explosion that would one way or another turn into a huge ass fire. My old man had to start sitting in on my training sessions just so he could put out the flames.

Short to say he wasn't too happy about that.

So, after about the seventh time of breaching chakra exhaustion from attempting the jutsu, I sorta gave up on it. Not because I was a quitter. No. Absolutely not that—but because I was getting closer to burning the goddamn forest down each time. The flames weren't that big to begin with, but in a place like the land of fire where it was hot as hell and dry as fuck, fires spread fast.

Wasn't too sure how the Konoha shinobi would feel if I burnt down trees put there by the legendary First Hokage

The most frustrating part was Ninjutsu was never something that I struggled with. Alongside kenjutsu, ninjutsu was my go to thing. My aggressive, body hurdling taijutsu tended to be a last resort...even if I had a lot of fun using it.

Why this one jutsu was so hard to master beats me. I used the same handsigns Kenji did, and I was 90% sure I was using the right amount of chakra. Even if I felt that way, Kenji certainly did not. According to my pesky old man, I was using way too much.

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