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The upside was I finally got my bitchass self to stand. My shoulder had rubbed up on the bark of the tree in the worst directions though, pushing all around on the nasty bump that had only increased in size since I first noticed it.

I hoped that maybe if I didn't look at it and just.... pretended it wasn't there, it would go away, but it didn't seem to be working. Everytime I just barley shifted my left arm, burning pain would shoot over my collarbone and down to my wrist.

I wasn't sure what type of injury I had to make it hurt so bad. It couldn't have been a dislocation, since I didn't think there was any time I could have pulled on it wrong. Maybe I landed awkwardly when I fell and rolled it out of place?

I reached my right hand up and checked to make sure my tanto was still in place on my back. To my relief, I felt the smooth material of the sheath beneath my finger tips.

I pursed my lips.

Maybe I could have landed on my left side and pushed the sheath of the tanto into the socket of my shoulder, but I still doubted that. If anything, it's probably only a fracture.

I snorted.

Yup. Just a fracture. Not that it hurt like hell and made me cry out like a pussy. It was just like a little pinch. Mhm. Just a little pinch.

"I'm gonna cut whoever fucking sent that explosive tag." I grumbled to myself, stepping over the various roots sticking out of the ground. I placed my right hand on the tree trunks as I maneuvered my way from the spot I was sitting in.

I was wary of staying in one place for so long. If I kept moving, it was less likely an enemy would find me. The condition I was in wasn't the best, partially due to the fact my left side was out of commission. If I really had to though, I would push through and use my left arm for my tanto and ninjutsu.

I could bare through some pain if it meant not dying.

I needed to focus on finding Ryuu and Katsu. They were my second priority. Yes, I did say second.

Obviously I was first priority.

I had zero clue where I was even going. Chakra sensing was not my forte, so I wasn't even going to attempt to use that to figure out where they went. Getting to a higher spot wasn't an option either, the tree line too thick to see through no matter where you went.

The only good thing so far was that I still had the scroll. The decision to entrust me with it was probably the best choice we made. I didn't trust anyone else with the scroll, Ryuu too stupid to protect it and Katsu too weak. Not that I was super strong or at Jonin level, but I would go down kicking and screaming before anyone could pry the scroll from my fingers.

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