forty five

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Ryuu and I left the next day. We'd already stayed in Konoha longer than we were technically supposed to, so it was about time we headed back home. The mood was sour in the village as we left. Even though Naruto cracked a smile and reassured both Ryuu and I that he was fine, I didn't need to be able to sense his chakra to know he was full of shit. He was nothing but upset at Sasuke's departure, and I couldn't help but feel a little guilty at that. I claimed I didn't before... but I was too caught up in the moment to notice it. Now I was really feeling it.

Especially because I'd let Sasuke off the hook. Even though I probably could have taken him down, especially in his weakened state after his fight with Naruto. But there was something in his eyes as he looked at me... I felt as though I just couldn't. Maybe I was making a terrible mistake. Even if I was, there was no going back now. Sasuke was gone. I'd already made my choice.

The choice I still hadn't told Ryuu about... and I wasn't sure I was going to. I even lied to the fucking Hokage about what happened. I could only hope it wasn't gonna come back to bite me in the ass later.

We arrived in Kumo and gave the trade routes back to Raikage-sama, along with a brief run down of the mission concerning Sasuke. It was short and surprisingly quick. When speaking to him I left out the part I'd let Sasuke off the hook too. Which honestly... I don't know why I did. It just didn't feel right to explain what really happened. The only person who knew, or I suppose needed to know, was Sasuke and I.

Ryuu and I departed ways, coming to the agreement to meet up at some point soon to discuss Katsu's birthday plans, as the eighth of September was coming up on our asses and we had no fucking clue what we were gonna do.

The walk back to the shinobi district felt longer than usual. It was late at night, the dim street lights lining the railing being the only source of light on the bridge. With my hands stuffed into my pockets, I tilted my head back, taking a deep breath. The cool Kumo air felt so good. Much, much better than the thick, humidity of Konoha.

I ran a hand through my hair, expecting my fingers to grasp at the cool air, only to be met with more thick hair. Blinking, I pulled my hand away, staring at the black strands that now stretched a good five inches after my collarbone.

Damn. My hair had grown that much? I've been so busy with the chunin exams and my first mission as a chunin, I hadn't even noticed the new growth. Guess I needed to take care of that soon.

Coming into the familiar area with tall, wooden apartment buildings, I didn't even attempt to go through the lobby. No one really did anyway. I swung myself up from the first floor balcony facing the streets, before doing some expert parkour and reaching my own balcony. Sliding smoothly onto the neatly stained wood, I reached for the shoji door and pulled it open.

I made a face. He'd left it unlocked again?!

Shaking my head, I closed it behind me.

The apartment was dark. The only source of light being the moon shining through the kitchen window, and the street lamps dimly reaching inside through the thin paper of the shoji doors. I didn't make a move to head deeper into the apartment. Hand on the wall, I looked through the living room, eyeing the two couches, the coffee table with half eaten ramen cups and empty beer cans set on top of wrinkled magazines.

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