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After writing down the answers to the problems I still had no idea how to do (and wasn't even going to attempt to understand—that would only cause a migraine I did not have the proper medication to handle) I looked back over toward Katsu.

He was stretching again, hand fluffing his hair just as he had before throwing a senbon needle my way. He tilted his head to the side in Ryuu's direction to get a good look at him, and if any of the other chunin that had been keeping an eye on us were paying attention. Katsu's other hand swayed behind the desk, weapon in hand as if he was preparing to release it, twirling the thin senbon between his fingers.

I scrunched up my face. Every time his hand moved I expected him to release it, but every time I was let down.

Was he ever going to throw the damn thing?! At this rate Ryuu was probably sure he was going to fail, and he was well aware of how we would react if he was the reason for our teams failure. If you didn't get the picture, let's just say he would be sealed into a box far too small for his body and thrown into a river... leading to a waterfall.

The scene was just too perfect. Ryuu's terror filled screams, the loud splash from the impact of his body hitting the water—and then pure silence that would follow.

It was a little depressing that I wouldn't get to experience such a thing, but I could give that beautiful, beautiful dream up if it meant I could make chunin. And once I made chunin, I could get away from not just Ryuu for the rest of my life, but Katsu too. Killing two birds with one stone.

I glanced over to the group of leaf chunin in the corner of the room. A few were scribbling things down on their clipboard, but the rest of them were watching us with a bunch of creepy ass smirks. It made me want to take the senbon Katsu had tossed my way and throw it at one of them square in the nose.

If we weren't going to get kicked out from lack of points, then my nasty action surely would land us three complimentary exit tickets. But really, there was no way any respectable ninja would allow themselves to be hit by a weapon without attempting to stop it. They weren't chunin for nothing, and if they couldn't dodge a weapon thrown by someone like myself, a measly Genin with an average aim, then they really didn't deserve to be called shinobi.

What I noticed however, was a chunin toward the back row. He sat with the clipboard resting on his knee, hand holding it up vertically by the metal clip. He slouched in his chair while looking in a specific direction, a devious smirk on his lips. I couldn't tell where he was looking at first, but after a few moments I realized it was right at Katsu. Right at Katsu, who was still preparing to throw another sebon in Ryuu's direction.

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