❝ you will 𝙖𝙡𝙬𝙖𝙮𝙨 have a special place in my heart, and that terrifies me. ❞
Kohana Akaashi is your basic chip off the block stubborn asshole. Abides by her own rules, doesn't take shit and doesn't do anything she doesn't have to. Keeping fri...
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It had been a few days since my old man had left for his mission. Usually, I wouldn't be worried. It was normal for him to take off for a few days at a time due to work. He was a shinobi after all. Unless you were a school teacher or a desk jockey, there wasn't such thing as a stable work schedule for a shinobi. Though he knew that better than most.
For breakfast, I cut up a mango and some strawberries, dumping them into a bowl with some granola. Most days I skipped breakfast and ate a large lunch, but today I was hungrier than usual, so breakfast it was.
I stood at the counter in my pjamas, a pair of striped baby blue and white shorts and an oversized white t-shirt. My hair was loose and down, hanging around my shoulders as I thumbed through a manga Ryuu had suggested to me.
I was pretty peaceful, enjoying my sweet breakfast and relaxed morning, but a sudden knock at the door caught my attention. Picking up my bowl, I walked over to the door and opened it, the bowl in one hand and spoon in the other. I raised a brow, sticking the spoon in my mouth and licking the fruit juice off the utensil.
"Momo-sensei?" I pulled the spoon from my mouth, blinking at the solum look on my her face. It really unnerved me. Especially since she never looked like that, unless something had gone terribly wrong. Even then, she tended to try and look at things positively. So her expression was extremely off putting. "What's.... wrong?"
She stared at me without saying anything, before nodding her head toward my bedroom. "Go get dressed."
Immediately I was on alert. "Is there a mission? Is someone in trouble? What gear do I—?"
Momo rested a hand on my shoulder, silencing my slew of questions. She pressed her lips into a firm line, chewing on the inside of her skin, before letting out a deep sigh. "Something comfortable. Casual clothes. You don't have a mission. Raikage-sama just wants to speak to you."
Casting one last glance over my shoulder, I set the bowl of half eaten granola on the counter, before heading down the hall and into my bedroom. I shut the door softly behind me. My hand strayed on the handle, fingers curled around the cool metal, my sense of worry only increasing ten fold. The distraught, pain filled look on my teachers face... it scared me. It made me nervous. Not the nervous where you mildly anticipated what was to come, but the nervous where you felt as though you were going to throw up.
I got dressed into a pair of black cargo pants and a navy blue oversized shirt, my chunin vest on overtop. Even though she had told me to dress casually, I was gonna wear my normal work attire. It was the only thing I really felt comfortable in anyway.