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My blood went cold at the phrase that left the Hyugas mouth. Tengu. What cruel slander for the ninja of Kumogakure.

The foul name referenced the misunderstood history of Kumonin taking in discarded children and refugees. The spirit of the Tengu was known for being evil and devious, committing crimes like robbery or kidnapping. Strongly associated with vanity and arrogance, other hidden villages during times of war believed it to be the perfect adjective when attempting to describe Cloud Ninja.

It soon snowballed into a nation wide smear, not one of the hidden villages failing to know the devious Tengu Kumonin that would steal your children and everything you held dear.

Which great nation the name stemmed from has always been a mystery, but strong evidence points to Konoha, the name only having made an appearance shortly after the death of the Second Hokage.

It was a low blow to use that nasty phrase against someone of Kumogakure. Especially when we were gathered together on what was supposed to be friendly terms.

"What did you just say?" Ryuu growled and took a step forward, clenching his fist in a threatening manner. I swallowed hard, disliking the conflict that was brewing between the two groups. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for fighting and throwing a good few punches. But this conflict wasn't the kind you could smash out—it went deeper than that.

"N-Neji-kun!" Tenten looked at the Hyuga in shock, not having expected him to use such a foul word.

But the egotistical jerk simply crossed his arms, piercing lavender glare unwavering at Tentens cry of shock. "I believe you heard me, Kumonin."

"Ryuu, don't do anything brash." Katsu sent a wary look in the silver haired boy's direction, already noticing the gears moving in his head. It was good thing that he was coming to his senses and getting involved since I wasn't looking to throw myself in the area of danger. The last thing I wanted was to be on someone's hit list already. Especially the hit list of a Hyuga. "He's just toying with you. Don't let him turn you into one of his play things."

Katsu was attempting to keep cool, but I could tell he was just as infuriated at the slander. One of his hands gripped the handle of his Katana, knuckles turning a paper white. He wasn't holding the weapon to prepare to draw it, but to steady his hands that were trembling in pure fury.

The name didn't effect me much. I had been called names throughout my entire life, and Tengu was just one of the few that I had been lucky enough to tread across. The names varied person to person, but they usually carried the same theme. Delinquent. Juvenile.

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