forty four

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It was early, Ryuu still snoring in the futon beside my own. The morning sun was just peaking in through the curtains. The early morning sun, more specifically. Rays of purple and orange graced the leaf village, leaking onto the tatami mats. The sunrise was one of the few things that remained the same as home. Made me miss the Cloud even more, if I was being honest.

Slowly, I got out of bed. Rolling up the futon nicely, I slid it into the corner, before walking over to my bag and began sifting through it for an outfit. Today was about the day we'd be going home with the response for the trade routes. Made me a little sad, but as weird as it was to still admit it, I missed Katsu. Going home and seeing him again was something I'd thought about more than a few times over the week we'd been here. I'd felt a little out of touch with him lately, and I wanted to fix that. Not to mention, we'd be getting back to the cloud just around his birthday. Around a week or two beforehand.

I wasn't one for celebrations, and usually the only people who I bothered showing up for when it came to birthdays was Ryuu, his family, My old mans, and surprisingly, Katsu. As much as I didn't like to act like it back then, us three had always been close. I just didn't like to realize people actually cared about me. I thought it was easier to remain ignorant instead of seeing what I already had.

Man, I really was too fucking stubborn for my own good.

But now that I was trying, I wanted to actually give him  a good birthday. I wanted it to be one he could think back on fondly.

I curled my lip, freezing my movements. Staring down into my duffel bag at the neatly folded clothes, I came to the shocking realization of how much I'd really changed.

Me? Wanting to throw a party for my teammate?

I shook my head and continued ruffling through it, the ghost of a smile pulling at my lips.

There wasn't anything wrong with it. Nothing at all.

A few hours later, Ryuu finally woke up and we went out for breakfast, but we finished it rather quickly. Before we were to say our goodbyes to our konoha friends, we decided it was probably best to meet with the Hokage and get the green light that we were to even leave in the first place. No reason to say goodbyes if you didn't have to leave yet.

"Man, feels like we've been here forever!" Ryuu folded his hands behind his head and let out a low whistle, staring up at the blue sky. A bird flew by, chirping to itself. He smiled a little at the sight, before looking over at me. "Doesn't it?"

I shrugged, continuing to walk down the dirt path toward the Hokage tower. "I guess. We were home for a short while too. Kind of a coincidence we left Konoha only to get sent back though."

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