twenty five

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"Took you long enough."

I rolled my eyes, walking onto the same training grounds my old man had attempted to behead me on just the day before. He leaned on the center stump of a group of three, arms crossed as he gave me a level stare. It didn't look as though he was annoyed or happy, but he had a weird in-between of the two going on.

If Ryuu were here and had heard me say something like that, he probably would have tried to make some stupid combo word of the two. Like hannoyed or annapy. Then, I would have told him to shut the fuck up, Katsu would have said some witty thing in response, and Momo Sensei would have been cooing over how cute we were after smacking me for swearing.

Man, I didn't want to admit it out loud. And truly, I would rather fucking die than ever admit it out loud. But I really, really missed Ryuu. I missed Katsu too, but I saw him yesterday, so I wasn't as distressed about not being around the shitbag. As annoying as she was, I missed Momo Sensei too. Her sweets were part of the reason I missed her—but she was a good Sensei too. Not to mention a good person.

Fuck! I hated how gushy I was getting all of a sudden.

Kohana + sappy thoughts = end of the world

So, I wasn't really sure how the rest of the world was doing at the moment, but from the internal thoughts I was having, it mustn't have been too great.

"Sorry." I shrugged, walking up to him. "I got caught up with something."

"Something more important than your training? The training you've been bitching about for the last week?" Kenji flicked my forehead with a snort once I got close enough. "Get your priorities straight, little delinquent."

I rolled my eyes, swatting at his hand. "Yeah, whatever. Can we just get a move on with my training? I only got three more weeks left, and even though this waterfall bitch is gonna be a clean sweep—ow!"

Kenji slapped me upside the head, almost sending my entire body flying into the ground. I stumbled, before regaining my footing and rubbed at the side of my face with a painful grumble.

I gave him the stink eye, wishing I could land a hard hit on the side of his face. But I knew that was a no-go. Especially if I wanted him to actually train me. "What the hell was that for?!"

"For being overconfident." He shook his head and refolded his arms. "I'm getting a little fed up with your cocky attitude, Kohana. I new it was typical to feel that way when you first become a Genin—being an official 'ninja' and all. But keep in mind, you're just that. A Genin. You're not at Kage level or anything."

"No shit." I snorted. "Who said I was?"

"You don't have to say it." He pointed out, narrowing his eyes at me. "The way you act spells it all out. And by doing so, you make yourself seem all invincible. It's like painting a bright red and blue target on your back and screaming come and get me!"

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