forty one

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It went on for what seemed like years. Those I loved dying getting their throats slit right before my eyes, and I couldn't even do anything about it. I was totally powerless. I felt nothing but pain, agony, helplessness, and disgust for myself. Disgust that I stood there and cried while they were brutally beaten and murdered at my feet.

Slowly, the white abyss melted away. I could feel soft linen sheets and a mattress under my body. The smells of a hospital practically smacked me across the face, and I wrinkled my nose in distaste. A warm hand was pressed to my forehead. They were filtering chakra into me, and the more chakra poured into my system, the more aware I felt. The fogginess melted away and I felt like I could actually grasp what the hell was going on.

I opened my eyes, blinking the world into focus. The first thing I was met with was the sight of blank ceiling tiles. The most plain, eerily pristine white color my eyes had ever seen. Instantly, I wrinkled my nose again, only adding to my distaste of the hospital fumes.

"Seems as if she's okay." Spoke a smooth female voice. "Especially if she's giving such a dirty look to the ceiling."

I sat up, looking for the source of the voice. I was met with warm light brown eyes, a single blonde eyebrow raised at my awkward behavior. It was a woman who couldn't have been older than twenty four, her thick blonde hair pulled back behind her head. She had a beautiful, thin face, and I had to say it—I may not had been into blondes, but holy fuck was she beautiful. Like... pretty pretty.

Blushing, I looked off to the side and ran a hand through my hair, pleased to find there were no tangles in it. Though now I was realizing it had actually grown out a bit, now reaching my collar bones instead of stopping above my shoulders.

"I don't really like the color white anymore." I said, thinking back to the white abyss, and the figure in the white suit killing loved one after loved one.

"Alright..." said the woman, not making another comment on what I said, probably making the connection it had to do with whatever had happened to me. She took ahold of the clip board at the end of my bed and looked it over, pursing her pink lips. Eyes not leaving the board, she spoke again. "Do you realize what happened?"

I scratched at the side of my head. "No. All I remember was... Uchiha Itachi. He looked at me with my sharingan, and then I was placed in this... horrible, horrible place."

"Unfortunately, you were placed under something known as the tsukuyomi. One of the most powerful genjutsu in existence. The user can subject the victim to days worth of torture within a matter of seconds. Which is why you may have felt like you were trapped for months—maybe even years. But it was only a week and a half or so." She said, lifting a paper and looking over the contents on the medical chart. "Usually, one would have much worse conditions to bare. Yet, here you are. Perfectly fine. If there's some sort of bloodline that was blocking the jutsu while it was in use, it's possible it aided your recovery."

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