twenty one

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Finding out your entire life—no—your entire identity had been nothing more than a fabrication of lies, was a lot harder to grasp ahold of than it seemed.

Even now, laying on this cheap hotel mattress in the darkness, listening to the sounds of Ryuu's snores, I couldn't wrap my mind around it.

Most would probably be kicking and screaming. Throwing a fit over the fact that such an important piece of their life was held from them for almost their entire lifetime.

But I couldn't find a trace of anger.

And truly, I think it's because I wasn't surprised.

I'd known for some time that Kenji wasn't my real dad. Of course as a little, little girl I had thought he was because I hadn't had any other reason to think he wasn't. There wasn't anyone else around. He lived with me, fed me, clothed me—wasn't that what a parent was supposed to do?

The truth was delivered when I was five, and even then I hadn't thrown a fit over it. My old man wanted to squash the thought that I was his biological daughter before I became too attached to the idea, and it would be too difficult to break the news.

And when I put more thought into it, the only thing I was remotely irritated about, was the fact he had known about my clan. Known where I had came from. Known who my family was. I wasn't some lost kid no one wanted to begin with— I was a kid with an entire clan. An entire family full of people that were related to me, that were supposed to be my family.

My clan was another subject entirely. I was so curious about these people, who they were, their culture.

Did they look like me? Did they act like me? What kinds of food did we like? Did we have any special jutsus passed through the generations?

While simple questions, thinking about these things and imagining my mysterious family made me feel comforted.

Maybe I had a goal now.

I wanted to find my family. I wanted to know more.

I rolled over in the bed, clenching the rough comforter in my hand. The sounds of Ryuu's loud snores were a lot less annoying now when I pictured my clan. All my possible cousins, if I had any aunts or uncles... a Kaa-chan... my real Tou-chan... together as a family. Did I have any siblings?

I chewed my lower lip, fighting back the stupid smile that threatened to pull at the corners of my mouth.

Family, huh?

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