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Katsu grabbed my arm, his fingers squeezing my skin through the material of my jacket. I cringed at his tight grip and the pain that shot through my wrist as he tugged on me.

"Apologize to Kabuto-san!" He demanded.

I ripped my arm away from his hands, teeth gritted in irritation. "No! Think about it. This is our first time taking the exams. How would he get this information on us? If we were from the same village... I could understand to an extent. But we're not." I looked back at the creepy fucker, the smirk still present on his lips. "So just how did he get that information?"

"That's for me to know," Kabuto drew my info card back into his deck, "and for you to not worry about."

"Who are you anyway?" I snapped. I wasn't a fan of this guy or the creepy ass smirk he was giving me. Plus, his response to my question was the most suspicious thing on the fucking planet. "If you don't stop looking at me like that I'm going to bash your face in."

"Kohana!" Katus looked at me with nothing but pure horror. He grabbed my arm and shoved me behind him and away from Kabuto. I stumbled, rubbing at my skin through the thin material of my jacket. His roughness was actually starting to hurt a lot, and I had a decently high pain tolerance.

"I'm sorry for her actions." Katsu glared at me over his shoulder. "She's having a bad day."

"Don't cover for me," I hissed, narrowing my eyes at him. "I didn't do anything wrong."

"Would you stop saying that!" Snapped Katsu. "Is it so hard for you to realize that just maybe something could be your fault? Try to take responsibility for your actions, just once! Just once!"

"Why would I need to take responsibility for something that isn't—!"

Katsu and I cried out as we were pushed to the side just in time for something to wiz past us.

What the hell was that? And what had moved us? I didn't see anything push or pull us out of the way... was I really that unobservant? That was a bit concerning.

Don't get me wrong—it wasn't as though I was complaining about being moved to safety, but the fact that I hadn't noticed anything out of the ordinary was worrying. I really needed to pay attention better. An upside though, was that force was heading straight for the creepy guy with uncomfortably extensive info on my abilities.

I looked around in confusion, still trying to understand how my position of safety came to be. I tensed, feeling Katsu's hands holding my shoulders. My back was pressed into his front, his hands almost holding me against his chest.

It clicked into place once I caught sight of Ryuu standing in front of us and huffing heavily. His golden eyes met my gaze for a moment, before looking over to where the creepy fucker, Kabuto, had been standing.

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