forty two

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The next day, once my eyes were a little better, Ryuu led me to the Nara compound, where he said Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji were hanging out. He was invited to hang out with them already that day, but he didn't think anything of it by bringing me along. Killing two birds with one stone really. To hang out with his friends, and to ask Ino about helping me out with remembering my family. Maybe even what actually happened that night.

The compound was quaint and peaceful. It honestly seemed exactly like the place someone like Shikamaru would live. The houses were simple, and those who were on their front porches or in their yard were relaxing quietly. It wasn't as big as the Uchiha compound, that was for sure. But what it lacked in size, it made up for in atmosphere.

We came to a house seemingly at the end of the compound, similar to how Sasukes had been set up. Which made me wonder what the relevance of their house placement was. The house was a bit bigger than the others, but it was almost unnoticeable. If you hadn't been looking specially for differences, you wouldn't have spotted it.

Ryuu didn't even walk up to the front door. Instead, he walked around to the side of the house and shot me a grin, before hopping over the fence.

I made a face.

He just hopped into Shikamaru's backyard like it was no big deal?!

Man this guy confused me sometimes. Ryuu really was thickheaded. There was no way he was close enough with these guys to do that... yet here he was... just inviting himself into his backyard. Guess it was better than slipping in through a window. He did that to me only a week into being teammates.

Deciding to hell with it, I walked over and hopped the fence just as easily. I landed on the grass softly, furrowing my brows at the sight across the yard. Underneath a large oak tree, Ryuu was already doing a handstand while making funny faces at Shikamaru, who looked like he was about to fall asleep any second now. Ino sat in the shade, weaving flowers together, and Choji shoved chips into his mouth while choking back laughter at Ryuu's faces.

Making a face, I walked over to the group with crossed arms. I eyed Ryuu, whose head was beginning to turn a deep red from how long he'd been holding the handstand.

I smirked.

Heh. Stupid ass.

Surprisingly, he hadn't sensed me as I crept around to his backside, his butt facing me. One of his legs pointed straight up in the air while the other leaned over lazily, buckled at the knee. Shikamaru was the only one who had noticed my presence, his other two teammates busy at their own things. He raised a brow, but I only shot him a mischievous smirk, before raising my foot and smacking Ryuu in the ass hard with the bottom of my sandal.


He landed on his face, hands dangerously close to my ankles as he laid with his nose pressed to the dirt. His legs were close to Shikamaru, sprawled out like some pathetic rag doll.

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