thirty six

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I got dressed in a decent looking black tee, yellow jacket from the back of my closet thrown over top. Still wore my black cargo pants though. I sure as hell wasn't wearing a skirt or anything fancy to this little dinner. It was nice of Masumi-San to put it together and all, don't get me wrong. But skirts, dresses, or anything of that nature and I did not mix at all. Pants and shorts were my best friend.

I didn't do anything fancy to my hair either. Just ran a brush through it. My forehead felt pretty naked without my headprotector though, but I guess it was good to let the skin breathe every once in a while. Especially with how rarely I took that thing off.

My old man however... I don't know if he fell and hit his head while in shower or something, but he was really dressing up. He had this spiffy button up, blue shirt on, along with these pretty nice looking black pants. He still wore his ninja sandals though, which made me cringe as I watched him slide them on before we left.

They really did not match, at all.

But now we were on our way to Masumi's home. Knowing Ryuu he was probably jumping around everywhere like a kangaroo on crack while his sisters chased him around. Or at least, while two of them chased him around. The youngest, Kamaeta, was quite uptight for her age, so she wouldn't be doing much of that. I guess there wasn't anything wrong with being serious. She was just a bit of a stickler for a little kid.

"Who else is coming again?" Asked Kenji as we turned down Ryuu's street. He walked with his hand stuffed in his pockets, lights lining the bottom of the dirt path making the street a lot brighter than it would have been otherwise.

"Katsu, his jii-chan, Momo-sensei, and her brother I think." answered. "Ryuu said it was a team dinner thing to 'celebrate' us making it back home alive. Really that just makes it sound really fucking dramatic. I mean... yeah I guess we could've died or whatever, but we don't need a celebration."

My old man ruffled the top of my hair, chuckling. I groaned, pushing his hand off the top of my head. Shooting him a nasty look, I took an extra step to the side to put a good extra foot of distance between us so he wouldn't get the urge to try that again.

"Don't do that."

"You've always been a special girl Kohana," he smiled gently, ignoring the look I gave him. I couldn't help but furrow my brows at the actual genuine emotions in his brown eyes. It was one of the few times I actually saw something like that from him, and it kind of made me wonder what the hell had gotten into him.

He stuffed his hands back into his pockets, looking up ahead again. "Don't ever forget that."

I blinked slowly, wondering where this sentimental conversation was coming from. It's not like I was gonna take any actual human emotion from my old man for granted though—it was a real rarity to see anything besides sarcasm or smart assery from him.

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