the 3racha gays one

4.7K 204 172

you just posted a photo!

you received 56,7960 likes!

Changbin pov

After posting a new photo I am  getting frequent comments that were blowing up my phone,

I noticed most of them were under the same fan account, "lixielovesbinnie".

I wonder if she's cute?

I look at the account and notice it's a very popular fan account due to the followers, comments, and likes.


10068 posts              1004 followers          993 following


seo lixie


I will always protect and love Seo Changbin

18 years old

gender: unspecified


I look at her bio and notice there isn't any photos of her face,

I could  only see photos of me and I start to feel a little embarrassed due to the captions under each post, I find her really funny but when I start scrolling down I click onto a different fan account by accident.

bb.yang, I was going to click back until  I saw a recent post "lixie"commented on.

I  realize lixie isn't a girl, and  I found out lixie was actually a boy.

I then start panicking, which makes me call the rest of the boys into the room,

"Chan Hyung"


they both come into my room after my crisis.

after I show them the post, we all start squealing when we realize we have fanboys.


I was too caught up in the moment to realize the mistake I made.....

I liked a post under bb.yangs account.

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