the 3racha gays five

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Chan POV

I was just looking over the new music sheets until I heard my phone start spazzing out with recent notifications, but that wasn't unusual.

I was going to turn off my phone for a moment so I can focus on the sheets of music for our next mixtape, but my lips turn into a smile as I notice some new followers that so happen to be shipping fanpages of Jeongin and I. 

I was really curious so I click on some of them and I look down at our "facts" and my eyes widened at Jeongin's occupation, "a famous and pure model?"

I was shocked but wasn't surprised, that boy was too attractive to not be a model.

That fanboy was a model, and after finding that out, my own mind started thinking unpure thoughts about a very pure boy.

(an: Straykids are still kids, don't forget that.)

[an: says the girl that created sexual frustrations^^]


Changbin POV

That Felix boy hasn't replied or done anything since I liked his post, and I was really disappointed but I decided to go to the gym and work out my thoughts.

I heard that Chan got himself a model, well, Felix is way hotter than a model but he's a gamer, from what I heard from his fanpages. 

[an: I didn't even notice that Chan's name was there, sorry for the confusion some of you faced]


Jisung POV

I was starstruck from looking at Minho's photos, I of course, obviously, have not been stalking his account, my finger just decided to slip on ahead.

But this boy is an Instagram model, he has a huge fanbase, along with-....

"A  GIRLFRIEND!?!??!?!?!"

I screeeeched throughout the dorm as I readjusted my glasses and started to  clean the tea that fell on the floor.

I got the worst of the worst, a hetero.

Chan hyung got a model, Changbin hyung got a gamer, and I- I got a hetero.

I chocked up my tears and regretted every little thoughts I had of Minho each night.

I only stopped crying when I heard a notification, I looked over and thought it was Chan hyung but it was only the hetero, "hey cutie"



hey everyone sorry for being a fake hoe, but here's an awfully short and dry chapter, I'm sorry.

please continue supporting my two trashy books,

I'm forever thankful.

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