the gays fourty one

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3rd pov
Jeongin woke up from his deep sleep on Sunday morning and he  smells his mother's cooking.

He smiles and walks out to the kitchen and greets his mother.

His mother smiles at her sons drowsiness, "good morning Innie, how was your sleep?"
Jeongin yawns  and  says it was a nice sleep.

He quickly remembers last nights events and coldly turns silent, "may I ask why you didn't accept Chan's request?"

Mr Yang put down his newspaper and Mrs Yang let go of her pan.

"Woojin told us some stuff about Chan and we believed that he wouldn't treat you alright but-"

Jeongin sighed, "but he does! He always makes sure I'm okay! He puts me first over himself and that makes me want to take care of him more! Our love is so special and unique, when other important models or famous idols that  try and approach me, don't even impress me. But everytime I see Chan, my heart skips a beat everyday."

Mr and Mrs Yang smile at each other as they notice  their son smile each time he says Chan's name.

They were also surprised, when other boys ask to date Jeongin usually they both decline, and Jeongin didn't  seem to be upset about it and when he woke up the next day he wouldn't be bothered  but today he seemed way too bothered and upset, so they truly felt that this was pure love, much like theirs.

"Jeongin we give you our permission to date Chan."

"He also works so hard, he would provide for me and our future family, he's so sweet that sweet deserts can't even compare."

"Jeongin we said you both could date."

" I don't understand why you think someone else would could replace him, hell, I will go against your word and run away with Chan and go to Canada but noooo he thinks your consent is so important-"


"You both could've said that already."
Jeongin hops off the bench chair and walks into his room.

"That kid."

Mr Yang shakes his head and Mrs Yang teases her husband, "he gets that from you."

Mr Yang smiles at his wife, "but he gets his beauty from you."
I just got all of my assignments done but I still need to study for my finals😤

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