the gays thirty five

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Jeongin pov
I was shaking my head, "you guys knew how much I liked him, how dare you."
I giggled though, "Chan hyung what did you say to my dad? He never lets me go out with anyone."
Felix and Minho nodded, "we both overheard what Chan hyung said, but you'll have to find out later, Innie."
They both ruffled my hair as I poured.
"Thank you for coming at such a short notice."
He smiled, "I wanted to come and see you, and it's always a great break to get away from Changbin and Jisung."
We all giggled.
"So Changbin is home.. alone?" [F]
"Has Jisung said anything about me?" [M]
I shook my head, "come up to my room Chan hyung."
As we all walked upstairs I heard my dad yell from the other room, "leave that door open."
I giggled and did as I was told.
Felix, Chan, Minho, and I all played games/ watched movies all day.
Felix and Minho got into a argument over some avenger characters.
They didn't speak to each other for almost an hour until they fell alseep, cuddling each other.
I felt drowsy a bit myself and I fell asleep on Chan's chest, letting his light breathing and steady heart beat, bring me to my slumber.
I smiled as his arms went around my waist, making me feel protected.
I began to snore.
Jeongin's parents pov
"Honey what are you doing?"
"I'm not doing anything, I'm only taking pictures for their wedding day."
"Weren't you just yelling at the kid, threatening him?"
"Please Karen, let me take some pictures."
My wife rolled her eyes, but I knew she brought out her own camera.
"Don't you think Felix and Minho look good together?"
My wife shook her head, "they like those tapatio boys."
I nodded, "the tapatio boy's?"
"Come, I'll show you some of their music, our son in law is in that group."
We both shut the door and went upstairs.
I'm so sorry I haven't updated, I've been so busy with my school work.
I hope next week won't be as hectic.
I have a test tomorrow, which I didn't study for btw.
But wish me luck🤧🤧😤

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