the gays twenty

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Jeongin pov
I was really happy after the concert, we were just leaving until I saw one of the security guards coming towards us.
I was going to ignore it until he said our names, I continued to shuffle away cause I never met that man before.
We were waiting for Hyunjin to pick us up but the same security guard came up to us, "PLEASE DONT KIDNAP US IM TOO YOUNG TO DIE!"
He quickly reassured me, "NONONO I wasn't going to snatch you, I was just given orders by Bangchan."
I looked at Felix, Felix then looked at Minho, and Minho looked back at me.
"Excuse me, can you say that again."
He said, "Mr. Bang would like you all to meet them backstage."
I felt fear run over my body as I looked at everyone.
Felix pov
As that guy told us 3racha wanted to meet us, I had to decline, no matter how much it hurt me to do so.
I had a date with Daniel but I really wanted to meet Changbin.
"Uh I could only meet them for a little, I have a d-date to go to."
The guy nodded, "follow me."
I saw my two friends literally judging me, "what I told you I was going to find an actual boyfriend."
It didn't take me long when I saw Changbin flirting with some girls backstage, I rolled my eyes.
I was only a fanboy and he was straight.
I heard my phone ring.
I met all three quickly and answered my phone,
"Hey Daniel, yeah I'll be coming soon, I'll be a little late so get us a table."
I smiled as we said goodbye.
I saw that everyone was in their own worlds and I saw Changbin going into a room with some random girl.
I sighed, "I loved meeting you all but I have a date planned and I don't want to keep him waiting."
I said goodbye to everyone as I left, and I totally didn't cry as I walked out.
"Why do I let my feelings get in front of my fanboying, any fan would love to be in my position but no I'm being selfish."
Minho pov
I saw Jisung staring at the few buttons left on my shirt.
I wanted to tease him, "is anything wrong?"
He looked up, "no uh sorry..."
I looked down, "is something on my chest?"
He gulped, "no no it looks fine- I mean it's fine."
I smiled, "I'm glad you like it."
He blushed, "sorry did I say anything wrong."
It wasn't until Jeongin hit my arm, "Minho hyung leave him alone."
I was shocked by his behavior, "sorry innie."
He smiled at me, "it's okay hyung."
I patted his head until I looked down at my watch. "Ohhh sorry we must be going, I promised  Innies mom I would have him home before 12."
Hey everyone!
They finally met!
Sorry it's a little dry but it will get better I promise!!
Also thank you so much for supporting me on all three of my books I love you all!!

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