3racha and gays

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3rd point of view
Chan was invited to the Yangs for dinner tonight and he was planning on asking Mr and Mrs Yang for Jeongins dating permission.

All seven of the men were sitting at the dinner table, that was more than a bit awkward.

"So Mr and Mrs Yang, I wanted to ask permission from the both of you to date your son."

Chan held in his breathe but thought that the four of them got along well enough that they would give consent.

But to all five peoples surprise, Mr and Mrs Yang declined his request.

Chan didn't push it any farther but did ask on how he could impress the both of them.

"Chan you're a lovely man but we don't think t would be right for the both of you to date since both of your careers are too big."

Chan nodded, he understood but Jeongin was outraged.

"Please Mother and Father, You told me you liked Chan."

Mr Yang sighed, "me and your mother know what's best for you Jeongin."

Jeongin looked over at Woojin and glared, "I know that you told my parents some bull shit."

Mr and Mrs Yang were now outraged, "Jeongin how can you say that about Woojin? He's done nothing but help you-"

"Mom and dad, Woojin hyung doesn't want nothing to do with Chan since he likes me so much, he even slapped me-"

Mr and Mrs Yang looked over at Chan, "Chan, I think it would be the best if you left."

Chan nodded and walked out he door, but he bowed before he left and sadly smiled at Jeongin.

Jeongin stood up, trying to follow Chan out, but Chan stopped him.

"Jeongin, I really do love you but your parents consent for me to date you is important to me and if they don't approve of our relationship, we shouldn't create one."
Chan held Jeongins hand gently but lightly pulled it apart as he walked out of the house.

Jeongin stood there and as Woojin, Mr and Mrs Yang tried comforting them he snapped, "I can't believe you both want what's best for me if you won't even listen to me when I said I love someone!"

Jeongin walked out of the house and ran off, leaving Minho and Felix behind.

Mr and Mrs Yang quickly felt guilty about their decision but they both believed they were doing something right.

They went upstairs and talked it out between each other, leaving Felix, Minho, and Woojin alone.

Felix and Minho slapped Woojin and walked out the door, "if you really loved someone, you would let them go and find someone else!"

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