the gays thirty one

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Jeongin pov
Well my cheek still hurts from the slap but the kiss from Chan made everyone and everything around me disappear.
His soft lips, and his veiny but pretty arms wrapped around me as we shared this kiss.
It was passionate but not lustful, we both showed our love into that kiss as we savored the feeling and taste we once had when we both met each other's lips.
We parted but all I could feel was the vibration tingling in my lips from the sudden contact.
I think he felt the same when he kissed me again.
And again.
and again.
Each time he kissed me, it seemed even more beautiful and great each time, no matter how many times, it was just a spark of electricity, lighting in front of our very own eyes.
He held me and I held him.
We just kept looking at each other, which felt like hours until we heard a camera flash.
We both turned, only to see Jisung standing there with a camera.
"I Uh... was using my flashlight-"
He was totally ignoring Chan's gaze but I only giggled at his behavior.
"So Jeongin... do you possibly want to go on a date with me?"
I nodded, "I would love to go on a date."
This book will sadly have to come to an end but of course, our two beloved characters are finally accepting on another into their lives, finally finding that missing piece that was preventing them from putting their heart together.
It's not the end yet though, lmao.

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