the 3racha gays seventeen

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3rd point of view
Chan drove off, letting his tears roll down his cheeks as he shamelessly let himself cry all the way back to his dorm.

He didn't understand why they didn't give him permission let alone trust him enough with their son that he loved so dearly.

He parked his car and walked to the front door and collapsed onto the couch, ignoring both Jisung and Changbin.

"Uh you good bro?" said Jisung
"Is he dead?" Said Changbin
Chan looked up and both boys noticed how puffy his eyes were.

"Am I a bad person?"
Jisung and Changbin both shook heir heads.

"Do I seem troubled?"
Yet again they both shook their heads.
"Am I untrustworthy?"
Both boys screamed no.

"Then why aren't I good enough to please Mr and Mrs Yang? Is it because I'm older than Jeongin? Have I accidentally hurt him? I didn't mean to if I did!"

He started crying hysterically until some quiet knocks were heard from the door.

Jisung opened the door, already expecting who it was and he was met with a soaked boy, who also had puffy eyes.

He pointed to the couch and the smaller boy comforted the much bigger male.


Changbin and Jisung left the drama scene alone, letting both boys cry it out.

Without them realizing, both boys cried for maybe two or three hours.

Jisung felt uneasy and walked downstairs, and he met with a tired Jeongin in Chan's lap.

"Chan hyung, are you okay?"

Chan looked up at his squirrel friend, "mr and Mrs yang denied my request to date Jeongin."

Jisung sighed, "I'm sorry, but you both should sleep upstairs-"

Chan got up and shook his head, "I'm going to bring him home, his parents would be worried."

Jisung tried to stop both boys from leaving but Chan already drove off.

"I hope they realize how much of a great person he is." Said Jisung sadly.

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