the gays thirty

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Jeongin pov
I was more than just embarrassed, and being embarrassed was an understatement.
I was very mortified.
The conditions I'm under at the moment is the definition of  HELL.
Currently just two hours ago I was asking Chan to stay at his dorm and now I'm in his bed.
I'm looking over at the snoring boy next to me and I turn over to see two other boys sleeping on the other beds.
I looked over at the clock and saw it was 3:00 am.
I admired the sleeping boy next to me but I was still scared of  what he would do if I slept.
I didn't sleep at all.
But I felt his arms around my thin waist.
I felt safe and secure but I thought the moment I slept someone would find me.
I didn't even notice the way my eyes batted shut as I fell into a deep slumber.
A few hours later.
I heard some muffled and hushed voices.
I moved a bit, and  hoping the person would quiet down but I heard some awes from some inaudible voices.
I opened my eyes and saw two boys in front of me.
I screeched as I saw Jisung in front of me.
I looked up and screamed again when I saw Changbin sitting by me.
"I said to let him sleep!"- said Chan
I turned my neck and saw Chan walking in, with some seriously messed up bed head.
I blushed at the cute sight but I heard some whining coming from Jisung.
"But hyung he's too cute! I came in here to expect seeing your ugly ass here but I saw a cute baby here!"
I blushed at his compliments and Changbin cooed at me.
"I hope Felix is as cute as this when he sleeps."
I giggled at their actions.
"This kid will give me a heart attack!"- said both Changbin and Jisung
I heard Chan push them all out as they apologized for their behavior.
"I'm sorry Jeongin, I was trying to let you sleep, because you looked pretty stressed yesterday."-said Chan
"It's okay hyung, thank you really, but I should get going before Woojin hyung gets here-."
"JEONGIN!"- said Woojin
I felt my pulse go up higher.
"Please hide me."
Y'all we got to 10k and I'm going to cry, VERY HARD.

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