CHAPTER 4: A Challenge

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Her fucking cousin I swear to god. She just HAD to come out at that moment. Now I'm sure she made Elona think that we slept together when I'm really sleeping in one of the guest rooms.

It was hard to sleep last night because of what all happened and even though Elona had a point about how she thinks we aren't really mates, I still was hurt and then was frustrated even more after seeing and over hearing what that asshole said as her and him exchanged flirtatious gestures at each other.

I woke up before everyone like usual and got ready then watched TV while drinking some coffee and waiting for both the girls to wake up and as soon as they did and came walking down all dressed and ready for the day, they looked at me and were about to head out it seemed.

"Where you guys going?" I asked.

"To an orgy, wanna come?" Tasha joked.

They both laughed while I just rolled my eyes at her sarcasm.

"Not that it's any of your business but we're going to school so...see ya." Elona said.

"But it's a three day weekend isn't it?" I pointed out knowing I caught her in a lie.

"No shit Sherlock! However, we are going to watch Klein play soccer. He's on the Varsity team at school." Tasha says.

"Well I can drive you guys." I offer.

"No thanks." Tasha replies. "We've already got a ride." She glares at me while smirking and the next thing I hear is a car honking their horn out front.

When I turn and look to see who it was, I notice it's that jerk off, Kevin? Or Klein? Whatever his name is. Then once I turn and look back at the girls, they've already left.

I was furious and began to growl a little bit then noticed the guy hold open the door and give her a quick kiss on the lips then help her inside.

I begin to growl lowly as my wolf and I hate seeing someone else touch our mate but us.

"Good morning." I hear Zion say while stretching and walking into the living room.

"Get ready, we're going to the high school." I tell him while heading over towards the sink and putting my mug in there.

"What? I thought we got out of that hell. Besides the school's aren't open." He says.

"Well they are today. Apparently douche bag delivery guy form last night is playing a game there and has just come to get Elona and Tasha." I explain.

"Well wait a minute, don't we have to go over more with Mikaela today about the alliance?" He reminds me.

"We'll do that later. Today, right now, we are going to the school so hurry up!" I accidentally snapped at him.

"Alright." He says with his hands up in surrender. "Geez, you have got it bad." He says as he walks back into the guest room to get dressed.

I had mind linked the Delta and told him I would make it up to him and the rest of them later if they would just hang out and keep an eye on Mikaela for a few hours.

Of course he begged me not to do it to them but then finally I convinced him. Then when Zion finally came back out, we got into the car and started heading over going past the speed limit.

When we pulled into the parking lot of the school by the field, we got out and I noticed that the entire school seemed to be there or at least most I should say.

I right away started sniffing the air for my mate's scent and followed it until I saw her and Tasha both sitting in the middle of the bleachers watching the game and cheering then I see Elona stand up and starts making her way down.

While I follow her to try and catch up to talk with her, I notice that Zion is staring intently at Tasha and she seemed to have caught him and is now doing the same as well. So I leave him alone and quickly head towards Elona.

She stands in line at the snack bar and when it's her turn, I see her walk up and order.

"Hey Elona." The guy says.

Geez, when did she become popular with the guys?! Damnit, I know she's hot but she's also MINE!

"Hey Ricky. How are you?" She smiles.

"Good. How's our guy doing out there?" He winks at her.

"He's doing good." She replies.

"Yeah, he told me everything that's going on and you're lucky I love ya girl." He smiles and winks at her again.

"Oh." She replies. "Well, anyways, can I get a pretzel and cheese, an order of nachos, an Arizona green tea and a gatorade?" She says.

"You got it gorgeous!" He tells her.

"Thanks. Here ya go." She says as she hands him some money.

"Pff. Elona you know better." He says as he pushes her hand away.

"You sure?" She asks.

"Of course." He says before turning around and gets her stuff.

After taking everything she turns around and then starts walking back but stops as soon as she see's me.

"Are you stalking me or something now? What the hell are you doing here?" She asks upset.

"I was hoping we could..." I started to try and explain but was stopped.

"Please don't. Why don't you go back to your mate and just leave me the hell alone! You've done enough!" She snaps at me and walks away passes me and instead of stopping her and creating a scene, I just turned and headed towards the car and mind linked Zion that we were leaving and to hurry cause I was pissed and needed to blow off some steam.

The minute I sat down in the car, I closed the door and started the engine and hit the steering wheel really hard as I yelled at the top of my lungs at the same time from the anger and frustration I was feeling.

Why?! Why the hell did I ever allow some skank like Mikaela to manipulate and blackmail me into pretending anything and blowing any chance with my mate. I'm not going to give up but this will be really hard for me.

That's okay too cause I haven't had a good challenge in a while.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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