CHAPTER 22: What's Happening?!

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"You fucked up, stupid kid!" He says to me and the next thing I see is him jabbing the needle straight into Elona's neck and him right away inserting all the liquid into her body.

I can tell it's spreading quickly as a wildfire from the look on her face. Then I notice her uncle start running out the back door down here and I call out to the ones who came running down to go after him. In which they do right away.

I however, run immediately to Elona and rip off the chains from the walls and start trying to get them off while ignoring the pain I'm feeling from them being soaked in wolfs bane.

Though my pain isn't nearly as close to what  Elona is feeling right now.

As she drops into my arms and I try and hold her, I feel helpless. She's hurting and crying and screaming in so much pain and I can't do anything to take it away.

"It's okay baby. I promise, I'll get help." I tell her.

I look at Zion and he nods his head without me having to say something and tries to run as fast as he can go to try and get our pack doctor.

I try not to show anyone how horrified and scared I am as I see her eyes and her wolfs eyes change back and forth a couple times while the rest of her eyes are red with smoke rising in then. Her skin is turning bright red, almost as if she has been badly sunburned. And my heart is breaking at the same time.

"" She manages to cry out to me.

"I love you too. You're gonna be okay. I promise." I start crying while telling her.

"It burns so fucking bad." She cries.

"I know. But the doctor will be here and you'll be okay." I try to reassure her.

Please god don't take her away from me. Damn, I hope the doctor will hurry up.

From what seems like forever, moments later, I see the pack doctor beside me.

"Don't touch her!" He yells over her screams to me. "You're gonna cause the stuff to spread even more." He says.

"Well then do something!" I accidentally snap at him. "I can't lose her Doc! You have to save her please!" I start to cry.

"Get him out of here!" The doctor yells back at Zion.

Zion then grabs me from behind and starts trying to pull me back up towards the stairs but I don't want to leave her.

"Come man. Let him do his job!" Zion says while continuing to struggle with me.

I try hard to make sure I am not able to leave by grabbing onto things, clawing at the concrete walls and the more I hear her scream and not being able to see what the doctor is doing, I can't stand it.

Then finally, Zion is able to get me upstairs along with several of my pack members helping him pull me up and start pulling me towards the living room.

"Let me go guys!" I yell at them.

"No! Alpha stop!" Everyone says to me.

"But she's dying!" I cry out.

"I know man, it's hard to watch the one you love be in pain and you can't do anything about it." Zion starts.

"I'm gonna kill all three of them. No matter what happens to Elona. They're gonna regret what they did." I say through clenched teeth and with clenched fists at my side.

Then I quickly run out the front door and immediately shift into my wolf and begin running after her uncle, following his scent as I have a good idea as to where he's headed off to.

I seem to run several miles before I stop right by an opening to the woods and notice a rundown looking cottage with smoke coming out from the top of the chimney. I also can smell both Elona's scent and another person's scent.....Which I knew belonged to be Mikaela.

I try calming myself down and my wolf as well as I din't want to lose control because that's what can get me killed. However, that doesn't mean I don't plan to send them all a message.

I snap my head over to the right as I see my father begin to walk towards the cottage and I begin to snarl a little. Then just as he looks over at me, we both suddenly hear a bloodcurdling scream come from inside the place.

Quickly my father runs into the cottage and I hear him start to yell.

"What the hell did you do?!"

Suddenly, I found myself stand on both my hind legs and stomp towards the house where as soon as I stepped inside, I was met with a gruesome site.

There on his knees was my father holding a bloodied up and lifeless body of Mikaela. And I saw something I hadn't seen before, my father had tears in his eyes.

I looked over at Elona's uncle who had happened to be naked and in his human form with Mikaela's blood dripping from his mouth, hands and some was on his body. He too was crying as you could see the regret he had.

"We can't kill them." I hear my wolf tell me.

"But they killed our mate!" I remind him.

"Now we can finally get down to the plan without anymore interruptions." He smirks at me. He tells me.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask him.

"Because I know you more than you know yourself. You're not a monster and you're not a murderer. We have a mate to go back to and if you kill then, WE will be the one's sent away and will lose our mate forever. So I'm begging you to shift back, now." He says.

"But..." I began.

"Trust me. Everything is going to be okay." He says.

So I shifted back into my human form and stood there watching this horrific scene that was confusing the hell out of me at the same time.

Then we heard the door be kicked in and in walked a few of the Elders along with Zion.

I couldn't hold back the tears that suddenly escaped from my eyes that I didn't even realize were there.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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