CHAPTER 18: Time To Meet The Guys

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When we woke up this morning and got ready, we headed downstairs where my father was sitting at the table with Tasha and Zion and it seemed as though they were pissed off.

"Son!" My dad greets us with a forced smile.

I tighten my grip on Elona's hand a little and we walk over towards the table.

"What's going on?!" I ask him with a scowl.

"Sit. This involves you both." He says.

So both me and Elona take a seat down at the other end of the table next to each other.

"What are you up to now?!" I ask him.

"Mikaela will be arriving soon and has agreed to turn her father into the council for his most recent actions." He exclaims.

"Good. Then does that mean no alliance?" I ask.

"Oh no. There will still be one. In fact, Mikaela will be joining this pack of yours for the time being and if you want it can be a trial run." He states.

"There's no way. She can not be trusted. She's the spitting image of both her parents and we all know what we had to do with her mother." I reminded him.

"Well son, this all could have been avoided if she hadn't been your mate." He states with much distaste while looking at Elona.

Before I could say anything, Elona jumped up out of her seat and slams both her hands onto the table scaring everyone, including my father as she began putting him in his place.

"Now you listen to me. Whatever personal hatred you have towards me is NOT my issue, it's yours. I don't care where you built your hatred for me from but know this, I WILL be forever his mate! I also WILL become the Luna of his pack and you can either stay in our lives or not. But do know that YOU WILL respect me! And as for my cousin and her father, they both are terrible people that are capable of destroying reputations and much more. So if you want your reputation destroyed, then by all means. But do NOT bring us down with you." Elona tells him before straightening up herself. "So, as the future Luna of the pack, we do NOT and will NOT accept my cousin Mikaela just so she can have a chance at tainting your son's good name." Elona tells him.

We are still all in shock and don't know what to say.

"That-a-girl!" Tasha tells her.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have better things to do." Elona states with her head held high as she begins walking outside.

I don't know what to say and so all three of us leave our dad at the table and follow after Elona outside.

When we get out there, I can tell she is trying to calm herself.

"Holy shit that was awesome!" Zion states.

"I can't believe I did that and said all of that to him. That was so disrespectful, but at the same time it felt good to shut him up for once." Elona says with a big smile.

We all start to laugh and I kiss and hug her.

"That was hot baby." I compliment her.

"Thanks." She smiles up at me.

"I love you." I tell her.

"I love you too." She continues to smile and we then give each other a kiss before next before we all shifted into our wolves and went to meet up with the rest of the pack to check on if they have caught someone trespassing yet and also to go over the plan in what my dad just told us. Not to mention what Elona just did with him.

Elona's wolf had a beautiful dark cherry red fur with blue eyes. My wolf's fur was a deep blue with grey eyes. Zion's was chocolate brown with small black spots towards his paws as well as brown eyes and then Tasha's was a nice dark and light grey with dark green eyes.

We ran for several miles before we made it to the first post of where several of my men were at. Everyone was about to meet their future Luna. She already met most from the pack but not these guys yet.

The moment we arrive, before getting their attention, we all made sure to get dressed. Well, we hadn't put out clothes that fit Elona's curves but the ones she chose still looked good on her.

I took her hand and tried to reassure she looked great.

"This is my first time meeting everyone and I look like this." She says tugging at the clothes.

"Baby you're fine. You're beautiful no matter what and besides, they know better than to check you out." I wink and smirk at her making her blush.

"Okay." She smiles.

After introducing her, I needed to tell each one about my father's plans and to let me know if anyone of them ever saw Mikaela's father.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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