CHAPTER 14: I Swear.....

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I hate to fly in general and one of the reasons is when the slutty stewardess' like the one who tried hitting on me in front of Elona when we got in the air did.

Luckily we arrived several hours after we slept and all felt a little jet lagged.

It was nine at night when we arrived and my father had a driver come and pick us up at the airport.

Once we got home, I was hoping that we could just go straight to bed and avoid my father all together for tonight. The universe of course, had other plans.

The moment we opened the door and stepped inside, my dad came walking out from his office that was located down the hallway to the right of the living room.

"You're home." He says.

"Yeah." I replied.

My father isn't one to be the nurturing type really. That was something my mother had always done up until she was killed from wolfs bane poisoning. I was five and after she died, since then my father has been more distant and not as fatherly to me as he is more like a 'boss' or whatever humans call those that give them orders. He is an Elder in the wolf's council and hopes that one day soon I can sit next to him.

I do hope I can do that one day but things, especially now, are more important.

One of the main tasks he wanted me to do recently was to trick Michaela and her father in thinking we would accept them into our pack and have them come back here with me to where him and the council would take matters into their own hands. Obviously, plans have changed.

"This must be your mate." He says sternly while looking at Elona with disapproval.

I felt like punching him for disrespecting my mate.

"Yes she is! MY mate and future Luna to my pack." I tell him assertively.

"Well, that'll be interesting." He smirks.


"This is MY house! I will do whatever I please and for starters, you watch you're tone son!" He threatens me.

"Or what dad?! Mom isn't here anymore to save you and stand in as your punching bag!" I exclaim.

I next feel a hand on my shoulder and hear Zion beside tell me to 'stop'.

I shake my head from not just the embarrassment I feel but also from telling myself not to do anything to my dad with everyone looking at me especially.

"Yeah well, we're all jet-lagged so we're gonna go to bed. You should too before we both say something we'll regret." I warn him.

I then take Elona's hand in mine and have everyone start heading to their rooms.

Once Elona and I were in mine, I slammed it and locked it behind. Then I slammed our duffel bags onto the floor.

I try and calm myself down as I pace back and forth in front of the bed and stop as soon as I see Elona looking down on the ground and looks upset.

"I'm sorry." I begin to apologize as I kneel down in front of her and take her hand in mine. "I hope I didn't scare you."

"It's just, your father hates me and this whole time I thought your mother was alive. I was hoping to meet her and maybe she would have liked me." She says with disappointment.

I stand up and then sit down next to her putting my arm over her shoulders and having her lean her head onto my shoulder.

"I know she would have loved you. And as far as my father goes, he never appreciated or loved my mother or even treated her the way she deserved. My father isn't the best person in the world and within time, hopefully soon, you can just learn to do what I do, just ignore him and all that bullshit." I advise her.

She nods her head and sniffles.

"Okay." She says.

"Come on baby. Let's get ready for bed." I tell her as I place a kiss on her lips and we get ready.

I swear if my father steps out of line again, I'm gonna put him in his place.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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