CHAPTER 21: It Burns!!!!!

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Right as I start to open my eyes up from after blacking out, yet again from a bad beating that my uncle and his men gave me while shackling me up to this wall, I start groan in pain only feeling weaker than before.

"Ow." I say out loud to myself while feeling the burning sensation this wolfs bane covered shackles are doing to my skin.

"Aww, is my little niece hurt?" I hear that all too familiar and grotesque deep voice that I had JUST gotten out of my head. Suddenly memories started returning as well as the spine chilling creepy chills that always were given whenever I heard or saw him.

"How did you find me?" I ask.

"You're not too hard to find." He smirks.

"Well what do you want from me?" I start to ask.

"I just want my daughter back and for that son-of-a-bitch who is using her as part of his sick and twisted game, to be dead." He says.

"But what does that have to do with me?" I ask feeling so weak and tired.

"You're mates with the asshole's son. Meaning that by taking you, Darren will come to get you. Then I will have something that his father wants." He grins in satisfaction.

"But his father hates his son." I tell him.

"That's what you think. His father needs him alive. Darren has all his mother's inheritance and if he ever found out about it, than he will kill his father. Which is exactly what I need him to do. This way, I don't get blamed." He says.

"Darren isn't a monster like you all. He won't do it." I assure him.

"He will if it means to save your life." He states.

"Why do you hate me?" I blurt out not meaning to.

He looks at me for a moment before replying.

"Because you're the spitting image of someone I loathe." He says.

I always thought I had my fathers nose and eyes but everything else was my mothers. I knew him and my mom never got along from birth up to the time she died, but I didn't think it was THIS bad.

Then the next thing we hear is the door being busted down and breaking into pieces everywhere before seeing Darren, Zion a couple others from the pack run downstairs while Darren calls out for me.

In one swift move, my uncle comes to me and stands on the side while quickly pulling a syringe needle filled with a deadly amount of wolfs bane if injected into my neck where I can feel the needle hitting as well as his arm is around my neck.

"I wouldn't do anything you would regret." My uncle threatens him.

I am so weak and tired that I can't even smile at my mate as I see him here to rescue me. I don't know what my uncle injected me with before but he made sure it made it hard for me to heal as quickly as well as making me feel weak. Although it could just be this room that has something that many wolves do for their prisoners as to taking their abilities away. I always forget the name but I do know that my shackles here have some wolfs bane in them although I no longer can feel the pain as much in my wrists and ankles as the have become numb to the pain from the wolfs bane.

"What is it that you want?" Darren asks through clenched teeth.

"I want your father to suffer until his last breath." My uncle tells him. "I want to watch his face while I hear him begging for help."

Darren looks at me and then back at him.

"Don't do it. Don't become what you're not." I tell him.

"Shut the fuck up!" My uncle says as he pierces my neck more with the needle.

"Wait!" I hear Darren yell out.

"Yes?" My uncle asks him.

"I'll do whatever you want. Just don't hurt her." He agrees.

"For now." He says.

I then next feel him take the needle out from my neck and my head just falls forward as I have no strength to lift it up.

"Thank god." I say relieved under my breath.

"Alpha! We killed most of them but others escaped!" We hear the guys from Darren's pack come running downstairs to us with blood and sweat.

Darren and my uncle look at each other and then the next thing I hear is my uncle tell Darren something.

"You fucked up, stupid kid!" He says and the next thing I feel is the needle being jabbed straight into my neck and him right away inserting all the liquid into my body as it spreads quickly and I am suddenly consumed with the sensation of my body feeling as though it's on fire.

Immediately I begin to scream as I can feel the intensity of the burning sensation grow more and more by the second. All my insides feel like they're on fire. I can even hear my wolf start to scream in pain. This is it. There was no surviving this. This was how I was going to die.

Everyone else's screams and yells were being more and more faint and my vision was beginning to blur.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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