CHAPTER 9: Like You Don't Know!

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Why in the world did I agree to go with him out on a date? And how in the hell did he know that Klein was gay and not really going out with me?! I swear I'm gonna get Tasha back somehow.

Meanwhile, the last bell rings for the day and I try and head out not in the back where I know Darren would be waiting for me and I couldn't go out the front so my best escape would be through the side of the building near the tennis court and thought it was a fool-proof plan until I bumped into a hard wall as soon as I opened the door. Well, a hard wall that turned out to be his chest.

"You ready?" He smirks.

I just scowl at him for a moment and then surrender.

"I guess so. Let's get this over with." I tell him and we start walking towards his car and then we take off.

"So what did you have in mind tonight? And does my cousin know?" I asked sounding a little bitchy. "Which by the way, this isn't a date."

"Whatever you say." He smiles.

I roll my eyes in annoyance at him but mostly myself as he just looks so fucking hot and my wolf won't calm the down right now and is driving me crazy at the moment.

We ended up stopping by a store to grab some snacks, then we grabbed some dinner and then drove towards some place I haven't been to in a long time and that was rare to have in the states nowadays....a Drive - In.

"A drive-in?" I asked as he pulled up to get the tickets and then pulled towards the lot and parked.

"Hell yeah! It's fun." He smiles.

"I guess. I haven't been here in years." I tell him.

We both then share a couple of awkward silent moments before starting to eat. Then soon after, the first of the two movies started.

Almost twenty minutes into the movie, I could tell that we both seemed to be feeling a little nervous.

There's a part of me, including my wolf in particular, that is wanting to move closer to him but I can't let that happen. This isn't a date.

I try to focus on the movie and in one of the scenes playing, the couple start kissing each other that you can tell is gonna lead them to something else.

I try and not make it obvious that I am starting to feel a little bit uncomfortable but then I feel his handle put on top of mine and
I feel him start to gently rub the top of my hand with his thumb and slowly interlace our fingers and I'm not stopping him.

I feel the feeling you only feel when your mate does that but he can't be my mate when he's with my cousin.

That's when I removed my hand and heard a loud sigh come from him. So he turns down the volume to the movie that was playing through his stereo and I have no clue in what he's about to do or say.

"I need you to know something." He begins and it sounds serious.

"Okay." I tell him.

"I was never mates with your cousin." He confesses.

"What do you mean? That's why you rejected me and is why you came back." I pointed out.

"No. It's not why I came back. At least not the main reason and I have regretted that day since." He says and it was right when he said that that I became confused even more than before.

"That explains a lot." I reply sarcastically.

I next hear hear him take in a breath and let it out as he turns down the stereo.

"I was with your cousin because I hadn't met my mate yet and wasn't sure when. Then I met you and my wolf and I both became excited instantly. But your cousin found out and threatened me with blackmail that would taint my family's name forever and ruin our chances of taking control of the council. She even threatened to hurt you." He says with pain in his voice.

"So you rejected me because you were afraid of her blackmailing you, okay, I understand that. But if you for one moment thought that you believed it was going to protect me from my cousin then maybe you didn't really care or pay enough attention." I tell him while looking out the window trying to keep myself from tearing up.

"What are you talking about?" He asks.

"Like you don't know." I say under my breath.

"Elona, what are you talking about?!" He asked.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)
Sorry it took me a while to post. It has been a crazy day but another chapter will be posted in a few minutes.

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