CHAPTER 11: What Deal?!?

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It's been a few days since we had our date and decided to try things out between us.

So far he has been trying everyday and started by picking me up to take me to school and then taking me home later on after school and after hanging out at his place. Which was nice because my cousin never saw and since Darren and his pack weren't staying at our house, this way we would be able to hang out with him, his pack, Tasha and Zion.

Tasha is so lucky that her parents let her move in with her mate. They are very understanding and I envy that she has people like that in her life.

Right away his pack were very welcoming and laid back and although things are going pretty good right now, doesn't mean that I've forgotten about reality in how every night I have to come home to my uncle's house and keep up the fact that I am helping Tasha out with some things, just so my cousin Mikaela doesn't get suspicious.

Today I went to school while Tasha stayed at the pack house sick and I don't know why or what but I felt uneasy ever since I was dropped off. Even my wolf was telling me she felt like something was going to happen today.

All day long at school I felt like I had to watch my back. Then oddly enough, I heard the Principal call me into the office while in fourth period saying it was urgent.

Hurriedly, I quickly grabbed my things and headed towards the office thinking that it was maybe Darren or something but I came to an abrupt stop and paralyzed with fear when I saw who it was......My uncle.

He turns to face me as he laughs at something the Principal said and then grins in a sinister way.

"There's my favorite niece." He coos.

"Uncle Morty?!" I greet him while I try to hide the fear in my voice.

"I've come to take you home early today." He says.

"W-why?" I stutter.

"Because I haven't seen you in a while and there's some business I have to go over with you."

I look at him confused and want so badly to scream out loud to everyone how he treats me. But I don't. Instead I let FEAR take over and remain quiet.

"Well, don't worry about missing school, just get better." The Principal says with a sympathetic look.

What is he talking about? I'm not sick or hurt.....then it hit me, he's gonna do something to me. Oh god.

I swallow the hard lump in my throat and try hard to mind link Darren but I am immediately cut off by my uncle.

"You have no idea how much trouble you are in. And don't worry about your little boyfriend, he won't be able to hear you." He mind links me.

The next thing I know, I feel him grab my arm and roughly starts pulling me out with him towards his car and I don't know what came over me but I suddenly stop and turn to him and claw at his face while yelling 'NO!' before starting to run away.

"You'll fucking pay for that!" I hear him yell back at me.

I quickly try and mind link with Darren again but for some reason, I still can't get a hold of him. Then after looking behind me to see how close my uncle was, I next bounce back after I hit hard into a wall that turns out to be Darren and he's got his arms around me and kisses my head before then pushing me behind him as he glares at my uncle.

My uncle stops a few feet away from Darren and while I hide behind his back still, I notice my uncle trying to catch his breath while trying to intimidate me with his spine chilling scowl and then looks back at Darren.

"Hand over my niece. This has nothing to do with you Alpha Darren!" He seethes through his clenched teeth.

"She's my mate! Therefore, it IS my business." Darren fires back.

"The hell she is!" My uncle snaps back at him.

"I am warning you. If you or any of your pathetic family ever come near my mate or pack, I will have no choice but to do the same thing we did with your wife." Darren threatens him through clenched teeth while he glares at him.

I can tell Darren is about to lose it and didn't realize until JUST now as I began looking around that there seemed to be people watching us.

"Darren, let's get out of here." I tell him while pulling on his arm.

It took a little effort to finally have him start to follow me to his car. Then he peels out of the school's parking lot as we make our way to the pack house while he white-knuckles the steering wheel.

"It's over. I can't do this! I'm gonna tell my dad that the deal is off!" I hear him say.

"What deal?!" I ask confused.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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