CHAPTER 12: Is That A Yes?

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Oh shit! Did I just say that out loud? Actually, I guess it is no big deal since it's just about the fake alliance with everything.

"What deal?!" I hear her ask again more assertively.

"Technically it isn't as bad as you think." I try to begin.

"Tell me." She says now sounding a little hurt.

"Both Mikaela and her father have both been banned from almost all over the world. Many packs have warned others, including the council who then warned us that the cause of many deaths recently have been because your uncle has been rejected. The council has had little evidence of for sure it being him until one day, your aunt was caught by herself, torturing a single mother who recently lost her mate, while the children watched their mother take her last breath." I stop myself for a moment to fight back some tears before continuing.

"Then she killed the kids." I tell her. "Then once she was caught, we made sure her final moments of her life were slow and painful. Then your uncle got word of what happened to her and went on more of a rampage. The council had ordered my father to have me make a deal to get in good terms with your uncle into making sure he thinks we want an alliance. This way he could be tried by the council and receive his judgement." I finish.

There is silence between us both now and it's making me feel even more worried because I haven't marked her, so I can't hear what she's thinking.

"Did you sleep or kiss her?" I hear her ask.

"Hell no!" I quickly reply before I pulled off to the side of the road and had her turn to look into my eyes. "I swear that I meant it when I told you why I was REALLY here and that I wanted you back." I try to reassure her but she still seems confused.

"Then what about that one night when she came walking out of her bedroom and interrupting us in the kitchen?" She asks.

"I slept on the couch. I swear that no matter how many times I tried to push her nasty ass away, I NEVER touched her or anything like that." I tell her. "I swear on my family's name and my life that I never touched her."

We lean our foreheads together and then I next feel her hand slide behind the nape of my neck.

"I believe you." She tells me.

"Good. Because it's true." I tell her.

She nods her head and we share a passionate kiss before we head back to the pack house to determine our next steps.

When we got there, I had already mind linked everyone to show up and they were all already standing around waiting for us.

"What's going on Alpha?!" Zion asks.

"We have a problem." I tell him.

"What?" He asks.

"Elona's uncle came to take her out of school today and I'm glad I got there just in time after our meeting." I say.

"But I thought everything was fine?!" Zion asks.

"Apparently he's still the same old dumb ass!" I exclaim.

"So that's where you hurried off to after dropping me off." Zion says.

"Yeah." I nod in agreement.

"Okay. So then what happened?" He asks.

"He was going to hurt her. He gave whatever kind of pathetic excuse to the Principal to get her to be let out early and while dragging her out, I stopped him." I began to explain.

"Oh shit!" I hear Zion and a few of the others say under their breaths.

"So, with that said, get your things together. We're going home." I tell them.

"Oh thank god." I hear several of them say in unison as everyone breathes out a sigh of relief.

Then as I look over at Elona, I notice a sad look upon her face.

"Come on baby. Let's go talk." I suggest while I take her hand and we begin heading towards my room.

After closing the bedroom door behind us, she goes and sits on the bed while looking down at her hands.

"So you're leaving." I hear her say.

"Yes, we are." I tell her.

"I knew this was too good to be true." She says under her breath.

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused as I sat next to her and took her hand in mine.

"You're leaving again and who knows how long this time you'll be gone." She says.

Oh my god, did she really think I didn't mean her coming with me?

"Baby, you're coming with me." I tell her.

She looks at me surprised.

"I am?" She asks.

"Of course. I wouldn't leave without you. Rather you want me or not, you're stuck with me." I joke a little.

She finally breaks into a smile and she looks so beautiful when she does.

"Oh my gosh. I'm so stupid." She says as she face palms herself.

"No you're not." I chuckle. "But, I want you to know also what this means." I begin.

She stops and looks off to the side for a moment before looking back at me.

"I do. And I want to finish school, even if it's back at your home. And I want to go with you but I don't think I can leave Tasha. She's my best friend." She begins to explain.

I take her face in my hands and have her look into my eyes and smile.

"Well since Zion and her are mates, he has already talked to her and she said she's more than willing to leave as long as you are willing to." I tell her.

She nods her head and looks like she's thinking again.

"Oh." She replies.

"Is that a yes?" I ask confused now.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)
I wonder what she is thinking about now. I hope she says yes!

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