CHAPTER 19: Everything Will Be Alright!.....

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So far things seem to be going good. Mikaela came into town and still, Darren and the rest of us stood up to his father as he continued to insist that my cousin joined the pack. Darren stayed strong, like he is and we ended up being kicked out.

I was at first feeling guilty because I knew that it mostly had to do with me being the reason for all this to have happened but Darren along with Tasha and Zion wouldn't allow me to feel that way for long.

Darren and the pack had another house that Darren had preferred to stay at in the first place anyways since this was more their house than his father's and also, his father never came that far where it was.

It was a nice mansion and it seemed more fitting and suitable for the pack and him.

For the next week, it had remained quiet for once and I wasn't worried anymore about my uncle and Mikaela.

Today while Tasha and I were trying to prepare some dinner for everyone while the guys were all out doing their security checks, we knew they'd be hungry like always when they got back and I had just gotten this recipe from Pioneer Woman and hoped it came out just as good as hers. I love her show and her. She's so nice and beautiful and knows how to cook for a lot of hungry people.

I had Tasha go and get me some plates and silverware and that's when all of a sudden, we heard the door bust down and in walked a bunch of men who I hadn't recognized except for one, my uncle.

What the hell was he doing here and how did he ever find us?!

"Oh god." Was all I could muster to say.

"What the fuck?! Oh hell no!" I hear Tasha growl as she first knocks out the first guy that tries coming after us along with others until more men cone in and hold her back then start hitting her hard in the stomach ans then in the face.

"No!!" I cry out loud then glare at my uncle with fists at my side and next leap over the kitchen counter and try to pounce on him but he stops me by grabbing my throat when I get close enough and slams me onto the floor really hard causing it to crack a little as his hand is still on my throat and I start to atruggle to break free but to no prevail.

"Well look who found their wolf." He smirks.

"Get off me!" I yell at him.

"Oh no. You and I have some business to attend to. I have missed you so so much. We have some catching up to do." He chuckles in a sinister way.

"The hell we do." I struggle to say as I can feel my air supply becoming less and less.

"Trust me, we'll have some fun." He grins and I know what that grin means. This isn't good at all.

"Fuck you!" I bravely spit at him.

"Now now. Don't you worry, I have many men that will be having a lot of fun with you." He smirks. I then notice him look up and over at Tasha as she's trying to struggle free from the asshole that's holding her up.

I look at her and then struggle to move my head enough to look at him instead.

"Don't even think about it. I'll go with you." I cough out.

I then feel his grip tighten even more.

"What was that?!" He says.

"I said, I'll go with you without a fight, just let her go." I tell him.

"Elona no! Don't you try to be a hero!" She yells at me with her left eye have swollen shut and she's bleeding badly from her nose and mouth.

I try hard not to cry but I look at my uncle again who continues to look at me though he looks like he's trying to decide if he should trust me and not to try anything and normally I would say he should question me. But in this case, I don't want anything to happen to Tasha and my new family. So, I know I need to do this.

He finally smiles a little and releases his grip then has a couple of his men, pick me up off the floor and grab my arms tightly and begin pulling me roughly outside and into their SUV.

Idiots! Can they be anymore cliche with the kidnapping vehicle?!

I heard Tasha screaming and growling but I mind linked her to stop and let this happen. I promised her I'd be alright and that they would find me. Meanwhile, I could try and figure all this out. Then I felt something heavy hit the back of my head and everything went black.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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