Chapter II - Just a calculation

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Thank you so much for all the readers and for your encouragement. I will do my best to continue writing this FF <3

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Beam's POV

After Kit and I have finished our afternoon classes where I tried to control more or less successful my 'I'm bored' facial expression, we are on our way to our dorm rooms. We live in the same dorm and luckily, we don't have to share our rooms with other students. You know, other people, except my family and Kit, seem generally kind of suspicious to me, so I prefer to remain aloof.
Another plus is that the dorm is located near the university, so Kit and I don't have to use public transportation. On our way, we pass the university's sports facilities. The basketball court is separated from the footway by a high fence. So you can watch the athletes without being hit by the basketball, which does not necessarily mean that not every now and then a basketball finds its way over the fence. Today my gaze falls on such a misguided basketball and I bend down to pick it up.

Kit is so busy with nagging about the university, my lack of interest in the lectures and life in general that he continues walking for a couple of meters before he realizes that I have stopped.

"What are you doing? And why are you holding a basketball?"

I turn the ball in my hands and grin at him "Do you fancy a bet?"

"What kind of bet?"

"I bet that I can sink the ball in that basket." I point to the basketball basket behind the fence.

Kit's loud laughter startles me. "Sure, Beam. With your lack of sportsmanship, you can be glad that you didn't hurt yourself when you picked up the ball. And now you really want to bet that you can sink the ball from that distance in the basket?" I'm about 30 meters away from the basketball hoop. "Dream on, Beam!"

"Tsss, I'm not that unsportsmanlike, besides that's not the topic at all. And if you're so sure that I can't win then you have nothing to lose, right?" Kit consider it for a moment, then he nods. "Okay, what is the wager?"

"Hm...the loser has to pay the winner's lunch for a week?!"

"Deal!" He agrees.

I position myself, bend my knees, lift the ball over my head and throw it...

Forth's POV

Ming and I are heading to the basketball court. The basketball practice starts in one hour, but first, we have to discuss the new training strategy with our coach Max. As captain of the university's basketball team, it is not only my job to lead the team, but also to make sure that we have the optimal training strategy. Ming as my best friend and closest confidant helps me with this task (okay, I forced him to help me).

"I don't think our new training routine will help us to win the university championship." I hear Ming saying.

"Hm? What do you mean?"

"Well, the plan is well worked out. You found a good balance between technique units and fitness training. But I doubt that this will help us with our problem..."

Yeah, our problem... Actually, my team is in great shape, at least in terms of stamina and technique. However, the hit rate is rather below average, if one is being kind. Since the last season, for some of our players, the probability of scoring a basket tends close to zero. Unfortunately, this problem contains also Ming and me. No matter what we have tried so far, for example, the change of our throw hand, using more or less strength, different body position etc., nothing solved this issue.

Coach Max had no other choice to place us on the substitutes bench and let other players take over our positions.

"Argh, I'm at a loss what to do to solve our problem. And I'm tired of sitting on the bench instead of participating in the match. Not to mention that the taunts and insults of Phana get on my wick." Phana is not only in sports terms my most abhorred person. If he only were the captain of the strongest opposing basketball team, maybe I could tolerate him, but with his rotten character and arrogant way! Aside from that, he played some nasty pranks on some of my teammates. Starting with sheared jerseys to the point of 'kidnapping' fellow players right before important matches. He even snatched away Earth's girlfriend (he is one of my teammates), hoping Earth would not be able to participate due to his broken heart. I guess, you already know, what kind of guy Phana is.

As I continue to rack my brain how to improve our crappy hit rate, I notice two guys on the footpath next to the basketball court. One of them holds a basketball in his hands.

Ming seems to have noticed these two as well "If this guy tries to steal one of our balls, then he'll be dead meat."

I nod and just as I want to yell at them the 'ball boy' turns around and throws the basketball ... in the basket ... from 30 meters away ... over a fairly high fence...

Kit's POV

I'm already thinking about which comic I should buy from the saved lunch money, as...

„Yessssssss!" Beam makes a fist pump and smirks at me "Kitty, lunch will be on you starting from tomorrow."

I guess I look pretty stupid at the moment – my eyes are wide open while at the same time my mouth opens and closes trying to put my thoughts into words. I most likely resemble a pufferfish.

 I most likely resemble a pufferfish

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"Kitty, you look like a puffer fish!" Beam giggles.

"How ... so ... impossible ... ... what?" I'm stunned. My absolute unsportsmanlike best friend has just sunk the basketball in the hoop from 30 meters away. And he called my puffer fish!!!


„I. Do. Not. Look. Like. A. Puffer. Fish. At. All." I emphasize every single word and Beam rubs the back of his head where I smacked him. From the corner of the eye, I notice two guys approaching us. Oh, one of them looks really yummy. Aaaah, back to the track, Kit!

„Beam, that was awesome but impossible! How did you do that?"

Beam shrugs. „I simply calculated the correct trajectory and the required force and then threw the ball accordingly."

„You what?" I hear one of the guys (not the yummy one btw) asking in disbelief.

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Yeah, the second chapter is published. I'm happy :)

As you may have noticed, I'm not the greatest fan of Phana...maybe there will be an improvement while I write this ff?!

Let me know what you think <3

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