Chapter V - Arrogance

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Happy reading.

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3rd Person's POV

The students of the Faculty of Mathematics have just witnessed an unprecedented event - the prodigy child, Beam Baramee Vongviphan, sits in the cafeteria, stunned, speechless. SPEECHLESS! Usually not a trait that would be associated with the 18-year-old. Not only that but also the pack leader of the University basketball team, Forth Jaturapoom Jamornhum, sits in front of him and grins at him. A nice complement to this scene is the two guys standing next to Beam's and Forth's table, beaming at each other like an atomic power plant during Christmas. Truly an unusual picture, which the student can whiteness today at noon in the cafeteria of the mathematical faculty.

The surprise of the present students become even greater as these three guys chat up to the Wunderkind, which he only responds with disbelieving glances. They are sure ... this encounter will have consequences.

Beam's POV

Did these three become crazy all at once? My eyes wander between them in disbelief, all talking to me at the same time.

"We really need your help."

"I could help you, sort of acting as your assistant."

"Of course, we'd have to talk about the details in advance. So, this afternoon is fine for you? "

"Exactly, this afternoon would be good. "

"Woah, Beam, say yes, pretty please."

"STOP IT!" I snarl at the three of them, who dare to wince. Then I point to Forth. "You, everything back to the beginning. You want what from me?"

The huge, dark-haired guy with the piercing eyes sighs, clasping his hands on the table before he begins his explanation. "We, the University basketball team, want your help, little rascal."

I blink. "What do you mean with help. And who do you call little rascal? Certainly not me because I'm 178cm tall and that can hardly be called little. Not to mention that I'm not a rascal, but a man. Idiot! "I glare at him.


„How dare you to call him an idiot, little rascal." Cutie Pie's fingers flick against my forehead and he looks at me angrily. "Let me make things clear for you. We don't tolerate any impudence against our pack leader."

„Ming, enough!" Forth shares a look with him giving him the order to back off. Then he turns to me. "Listen, little rascal." Again, this insolence. My mood drops near the freezing point. "Sorry, I mean, Beam." He smirks. "Your little throwing trick yesterday was pretty impressive, and we think that can help us to win the University Championship."

"First, it was not a trick, it was a simple calculation. Second, how should that help with the university championships? Third, why should I help you at all? Fourth, no, thanks." I want to get up from my chair as he rushes one of his strong hands forward and pushes me back into the chair. I freeze and stare at the tanned hand on my shoulder. I gulp.

"First, for you, it may have been a simple calculation, for my team it's a great advantage in our matches. Second, 100% hit rate, dude. Third, the basketball team owes you a favor. Fourth, no is unacceptable."

„Not acceptable, my ass." I mutter under my breath. Gosh, the guy is so incredibly arrogant. I'm really surprised that his head has not blown up yet.

"Beam, think about it." Kit intervenes. "Wouldn't that be a great topic for Professor Kirin's Assignment? Projectile motion in a real-life situation. That's the perfect example for his course. "

"Huh? "I'm not able to follow Kit's thoughts. Neither the two basketball idiots, if I interpret their confused looks correctly.
"Use your brain, Beam." Kit taps his index finger on my forehead. Gosh, this is already the second time that my head is being molested. I grab his finger and hold it tight. I'm frowning. Not just to indicate that I think, but also to dispel the slight pain on my forehead.
"You think the application of the projectile motion, in reality, would suit Professor Kirin's 'Modeling and Differential Equations for the Life Sciences'?" Kit nods. "Hm, but that's too easy. However, if I discuss the relationship between optimal angle, minimum initial velocity and the height of the ball before the player shoots the ball ... hmm, yes, that might work."
"Why do you always have to exaggerate everything? "Kit asks me with a sinister toned look. "Because simple is boring, that's why!" I stick out my tongue at him.

"Kit, did Beam accept Forth's deal or not?" Cutie pie Ming looks at Kit for help. Kit nods. "Yes, he did." Ming and Forth high five each other.

Forth's POV

Yesssss, he actually agreed, though the way he agreed was pretty weird.
I pat him on the back and smirk at him. "Before you may help us, of course, you have to prove that yesterday was not just a lucky hit. See you at the basketball court today at 4pm. Ming, phone number, now." I command to Ming and then lift myself from the chair. "Don't be late, Beam!" I leave the cafeteria and hurry to the engineering faculty.

3rd Person's POV

Ooh, with this behavior, the leader of the pack didn't make any friends. Beam's face turns bright red. He is furious. You can almost see the smoke coming out of his nose.

"This arrogant bastard. How dare he. He asks me, please notice ME, for help and then wants to prove my abilities. Only then I'm allowed to help him. I may help him as if that would be the greatest honor in this world to help the University basketball team. I can't believe it; how can he be so arrogant. Stupid idiot, arg, I hate him." Beam really gets himself into a rage, rages furiously through his thick black hair, stamping angrily with his feet. A certain resemblance to Rumpelstiltskin can't be denied.

Kit has never seen his friend lose his composure to this certain point and approaches him to reassure him.
However, Cutie pie Ming, sometimes blessed with less than a little sensitivity, fuels the anger of the younger one even further. "Hey Beamiebaby, calm down. Forth does not ask for help, he gives you the privilege to serve us with your help. Now give me your cell phone number so I can text you a reminder about your meeting with Forth later."

Beam's complexion darkens a shade if that's even possible. But before he can yell his rage into Ming's face, a hand covers his mouth. "Ming, I think it's better you go now. I'll text Beams number after that, I promise. But please, if you love your life, leave!"
Ming blinks, turns around and leaves the cafeteria without a word. As he passes the exit, he is hounded by the roar of a very, very angry Beam. Ming swallows hard.

Oh yes, this encounter will have consequences ...

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Ooh, Beam is in rage, I hope Kit is able to handle his best friend...

See ya <3

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