Chapter XXIII - The date

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Guess what...we are going to have a date 😍

Happy reading <3

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Beam's POV

"You really wanted to go on a date with him?"



"Because we've never had a date before and I think I should at least get the chance to have one."

"Makes sense. What have you planned?"

"Forth took over the entire planning. So I have no idea at all what we are doing..."

"Well, if that goes well..."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Beam, by all means, but sometimes you're a little strange."

"That's not true at all!"

"Which one of us cleans his cutlery in the restaurant before he uses it?"


"And for whom must the meat always be on the right side of the plate while eating?"

I clear my throat embarrassedly. "Okay, maybe I have one or the other strange tick, but that doesn't seem to bother Forth, otherwise he wouldn't be together with me."

"Or hasn't discovered all your ticks yet and is blindly running into his undoing."

"Kit, you are such a jerk." I don't have so many pillows at all, as I want to slap them Kit into the face. But back to my real problem. "What should I wear now?"

Desperately, I'm going through my wardrobe looking for the ultimate date outfit. Not that I couldn't go in jeans and a T-shirt, but Forth made comments that he planned something very special. And for such an occasion you should be dressed accordingly, shouldn't you? But shirt and blazer are probably too overdressed. Frustrated, I run my fingers through my hair. "Kiiiiiit, help me!"

"I don't understand all the fuss you're making here. Just wear something that makes you feel good and what's easy to take off again."

"Why should I wear something that's easy to take off again?"

Kit's rolling eyes are not hidden from me. "Because Forth might want to take your clothes off."

"Why would he want to take my clothes off?" I tilt my head questioningly.

"Are you so stupid or are you just pretending?"


"How long have you been together now?"

"5 months, 23 days, 14 hours, 43 minutes and, uh, 15 seconds."


"Wow, I can even see your tonsils as far as your mouth goes."

"Uh, yeah, so you've been together for over 5 months. How intimate have you become so far with each other?"

"Pretty much."

"What do you mean by pretty much?"

"Well, I saw him naked and he saw me naked." I shrug my shoulders.

"YOU SAW HIM NAKED?" Kit yells at me.

"Kit, stop screaming. Yes, I did. Surely you've seen Ming in his birthday suit, too."

"And I always thought you were sweet and innocent, but no, behind my back you ogle at naked men." Played dramatically, Kit tosses his hands in the air.

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