Chapter VIII - Prove it!

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Woah, I almost can't believe it - more than 1k readers. Thank you so much for your interest, your votes, your comments and your encouragement (special thanks to ArchuG1412, DanicaRedfern and ForthBeamAddict <3).

Happy reading <3

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3rd Person's POV

"Beamie! Are you okay?" A worried-looking Kit rushes up to Beam, inspecting him from head to toe. "He did not hurt you, did he?"

Beam shakes his head. "Everything's alright, Kit. We clarified everything. Although I'm still pissed off that you wanted to make common cause with Ming!" "Uh, sorry, Beam." Kit grins wickedly. Beam shakes his head, real remorse looks different, right?

"So, you work with the basketball team and help them?" Beam nods affirmatively.

"Cool, then surely you need an assistant, right? As your best friend, of course, I volunteer."

"Kit! You don't want to assist me, you just need a good excuse to hang around near your cutie pie!"

"You'll get an assistant and I'll get more Ming time. That's called 'killing two birds with one stone!'" Kit grins all over his face.

"And if I don't want you as an assistant? I'm not sure you're qualified enough for this position." Beam replies.

"Then you still need someone to protect you from the evil wolves aaaaaaaaand someone who knows which secret weapon can stop the 'Green Beam'."

Beam throws his hands up in frustration. "I give up. Nobody is able to challenge your wicked logic."

Forth and Ming, who tailed after Kit, observe the bickering between the two friends with great interest. "Somehow these two are cute when they snap at each other." Notices Ming, without taking his eyes off the two apples of discord.

"Hm, but what's a 'Green Beam'?"

"'Green Beam' always appears when Beam gets really angry, for example, because of you. He then mutates to the Hulk, the so-called 'Green Beam'!" Explains Kit, who has turned to the two basketball players.

"You call me 'Green-Beam'? Why am I friends with you again, you vile bastard?"

"Because no one else can handle you. So, love and honor me for sacrificing myself for you!"

Before Beam can dash for Kit to strangle him, the two other basketball players, Lam and Park, draw their attention. "Ahem, ahem! Excuse me, if we interrupt your banter, but we are not here for fun! Forth, you wanted to talk to us?"

Forth turns to his teammates, pulling Beam in front of him, placing his hands on Beam's shoulders. He looks a bit like a proud dad ... "Guys, meet Beam! Our solution to our problem."
Lam and Park look at Forth in disbelief. This petite, pale guy with glasses should be the solution to their problem?
"Forth, you know, I've never doubted you before, but are you out of your mind?" Lam wants to know. "That kid has never played basketball in his life, that's for sure. How can he help us, seriously?" Adds Park, he is pissed off. He feels offended in his honor as a basketball player.

Beam huffs disapprovingly at these words, a bleak blush covers his cheeks. Kit nudges Ming. "It won't take long before we can watch 'Green Beam' live and in color." Ming giggles which is rewarded with a glare from Forth.
Forth squeezes Beam's shoulders reassuringly. "That's why we're here. So that you can witness with your own eyes that he is capable of it." Lam and Park are looking sharply at their team captain. "Then let him prove it!"

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