Chapter VII - The truth behind

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Sorry for the late update, I had to attend an advanced training course for my sports club...I'm a tired mess.

Happy reading <3

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3rd Person's POV

The leader of the pack scented his prey, stalks it in quick and precise steps, bringing it down with deadly accuracy. The scene, which is currently taking place on the basketball court, could be shown in an animal documentary as well...

Forth, who has approached Beam with quick steps, grabs the younger guy by the collar, dragging him, without paying any attention to him, towards the changing rooms.

"Let go of me, you arrogant asshole." Beam struggles with his hands and feet against the rough handling. Trying to get out of Forth's grip with all his might, without success. However, when he tries to slip out of his jacket, he is hurled in a harsh move against the outer wall of the locker room. Thankfully, he still carries his backpack, otherwise, the collision would have been quite painful for him.


Forth hits his right hand right next to Beam's head. Beam flinches, fear, but also anger makes him spreads to him when he meets the look of the pack leader. Black, angry eyes staring at chocolate brown ones.

"W-What do you want from me, you sick idiot?"

Incredible. Even in this situation, this little guy doesn't lose an ounce of his impertinence. Forth squints his eyes angrily.

"You want to break our deal, you little fucker? No one has ever broken a deal with Forth Jaturapoom Jamornhum and you certainly won't be the first to break this tradition!"

Beam clenches his hands to fists and pushes Forth away with full force ... with little success. The basketball player doesn't move a millimeter.

"You are not just an arrogant bastard, no, you're also threatening innocent students just because they do not dance to your tune. You don't deserve my help. So, leave me alone and get lost."

The two opponents stare at each other angrily. Neither of them is willing to give in. One guy because he is desperately looking for a solution for his team, the other one because his pride is hurt and his skills are not recognized.




Beam's POV

"Huh?" Did the idiot just mumble please?

I'm squinting. The whole attitude of the giant in front of me has changed within seconds. From angry staring and almost crushing me with his body to a respectful distance with lowered head and lopped shoulders and arms.

"Please, me ... the team ... I mean, me and the team, we really need your help!" Puppy eyes really? This guy is kidding me, right?



"Why do you and your team need my help so badly? I want to know the real reason!"

"Because I do not want my team to suffer from my incompetence and risk losing the university championship."

"What incompetence are you talking about? To not be able to treat people respectfully or to take what you want by force?" Are his ears turning red? The only question is whether with shame or rage. But at the beginning of our encounter, his ears weren't red, right? Oh god, I've probably just dug my own grave. Shit, Beam, you and your loose mouth.

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