Chapter VI - Breaking the deal?

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(A/N: Our cute mathematics student Beamie <3)

Thank you so much for your support. It motivates me to continue and do my very best 😊

Happy reading <3

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3rd Person's POV

Even before Ming can leave the cafeteria, Beam succeeds in snatching the hand from his mouth that silenced him. And Beam, bright red in the face, explodes. Much to the astonishment of the present people, because this concentrated burst of emotions does not correspond to the mathematical student who is always dominated by logic and numbers.

"This arsehole. Fuck! Beamiebaby ... how dare he called me like this ..." These and other insults can be heard in the normally rather quiet cafeteria of the mathematics faculty. Kit stares at his best friend. He has never seen him in such a state.
Interesting what effect the basketball guys have on Beam. Kit makes a mental note to pursue this topic later. But now it's time to reassure his raving friend. However, reassuring words will probably not be enough ...

"Beam, calm down. Here, drink this." Kit puts a glass of CheBa in front Beam's nose.

(A / N: In case you do not know CheBa (in German KiBa) is a non-alcoholic mixed drink in Germany consisting of banana and cherry juice

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(A / N: In case you do not know CheBa (in German KiBa) is a non-alcoholic mixed drink in Germany consisting of banana and cherry juice. A very sweet drink which looks a little bit disgusting due to the banana juice.)

"Thanks." Beam mutters in a hoarse voice and reaches with trembling hands for the glass.
Two glasses of CheBa and a chocolate croissant later, Beam is back to his usual self. Only the red spots on his cheeks are reminiscent of the outburst of rage.

Kit's POV

"Are you okay now?" I ask Beam. He nods, albeit a little ashamed. "And what about the project for Professor Kirin?" I drop the subject 'helping the basketball team' deliberately. Honestly, I have no desire to meet Hulk in the form of Beam again.

"The topic is still good, and I will submit a corresponding essay to the professor. However, I'll turn the privilege of helping the basketball team down." Beam answers me emotionless, even though I can see an angry flash in his eyes in his last sentence. "And you're not going to text this idiot Ming my mobile number." I sigh and nod. So, he did hear my conversation with Ming despite his outrage. This guy is just too attentive. Although, I think it's a shame that there will be no more interaction with the basketball team... the battle Beam against Forth would certainly become interesting.

"I am going to the library and preparing my essay for the professor. I'll see you later in the lecture, Kit." I watch my little Wunderkind disappearing in the direction of the library and then reach for my cell phone. Even though I will not pass on Beam's number, a little flirtation with Ming definitely cannot hurt. I smile as I save his number in my cell phone. The naughty boy has given me a note with his number earlier. I start typing:

Ming, I'm overheating because you're stuck in my head like an infinite loop.

Are you using math to flirt with me, KittyCat?

Caught me red-handed 😉

Then, why we don't measure the friction coefficient between me and you?

Advanced engineering, I see.

Advanced in every way, I promise.

You know what mathematicians say: quod esset demonstrandum!

(A / N: In a predication that has yet to be proven, the words in the traditional scholarly language are quod esset demonstrandum or "what to prove.")

Cannot wait, KittyCat!
So when and where?

Depends on whether you survive today...


Your pack leader might be really mad this afternoon.

Please, do not tell me ...

Smart Cutie pie. What a shame...
Just call me, if you still remain in the world of living tomorrow.

Somehow, I feel sorry for him...

Beam's POV

What was wrong with me... me being emotionally that doesn't fit at all. My world is dominated by logic and numbers, emotions exist there only to a limited extent. Argh, but this arrogance was like a trigger for me and I just could not hold on to myself.
Okay, that's it. Time to devote me to other, really important things, e.g. my essay for 'Projectile motion in real-life situation: Kinematics of basketball shooting'.




"Mr. Vongviphan, as expected, though, allow me my comment, a little late for your standards, you have submitted an excellently elaborated essay. The subject is demanding and at the same time meets the subject and the task. You can continue with the theme, but I expect you to write a high-quality work that does not lack practical examples." Monologizes Professor Kirin for over 30 minutes on my assignment topic. This man just likes to hear himself talk. After another 10 minutes, he finally comes to the end and shoos me out of the lecture hall.

Kit, who is supposed to wait outside for me, is nowhere to be seen. Maybe he is waiting at the faculty exit after all this was our last lecture for today. One moment later, I can hear two not so unfamiliar voices near me - Ming and Kit, about 15 meters away from me. Ming talks to Kit and gesticulates wildly with his arms. He looks pretty stressed and a bit panicked. Whether Kit told him I'm not interested in helping the basketball team anymore? That could possibly become a problem now. I think I should get out of here very quickly.
As fast and inconspicuous as possible, I hurry towards the exit. I look around several times, but these two haven't noticed me. I'm able to leave the faculty unseen and can immediately rush towards the dorm. However, during the whole action, I forgot that my way past the basketball court. Shit!!!

Forth's POV

I fume. This bastard. How dare he broke our agreement just like that. The little mathematics student was my last hope and now he has the audacity to break our deal. Shit, I'm about to explode. I can only hope that Ming can catch the little bastard in front of the lecture hall and drag him here. Impatiently, I pace up and down the basketball court as I receive a message on my mobile:



He slipped through our fingers!

What does that mean, he slipped through your fingers?

I waited for him with Kit, but somehow, he passed us unseen.

Crap! Ming, you just had one damn job to do.

Sorry, boss!

Find him!

I stare angrily at my cell phone. "Damn it, damn it, damn it!" I curse loudly and pull my hair.
Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I notice a small figure - slim, black hair, round glasses, a red jacket and a black backpack - Beam!

- - - - - - TBC- - - - - -

Can you imagine Beam as Hulk? Why do I think, he must look cute? Am I weird? I'm probably weird because I write a ff about mathematics and engineering although I finished my studies in Business Administration...weird, told ya!

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