Chapter IV - win-win?

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Woah, I feel so honored. Almost 300 readers...please greet my inner Cheshire Cat!

Happy reading <3

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Forth's POV

I'm fuming. Not only did that little bastard call me an idiot, no, he also had the audacity to ditch me. And what's with this shit that he has simply calculated his throw. That's impossible. As an engineering student, projectile motion is quite a concept for me, after all, it was already thematized in the physical introductory course for engineering students. However, the calculation, considering several variables can only be accomplished with calculation programs... and he has calculated the whole thing in his head ... tzzz.

"Shit, Forth! The training starts in 40 minutes and we wanted to talk to Max. "

Crap, I almost forgot. This shitty rascal...arg, you will pay for this.

Ming and I sprint towards the dressing rooms, where Max already expects us "Guys, did you forgot the time? You wanted to be here a quarter of an hour ago."

Oh, Max is pissed. He doesn't like unpunctuality. "Sorry, Max. We just had a very, very, very special encounter." I apologize. "And we met the cutest kitten on the campus." Ming adds with a dreamy grin.

I mentally facepalm myself. Ming, you idiot.

"Just stop with your stupid excuses!" Growls Max. "So, Forth, what do you have for me?"
I pull a folder out of my training bag, get the new training plan out of it and hand it to Max. "Hmm, okay ... not bad ... ah, understand ... maybe still ... yes, that could work ... "Max mumbled to himself while he goes through the plan. After Max has checked my training plan in detail, he nods approvingly "Good job, Forth. We have to adjust two or three little things, but all in all, you have created a really good training plan."

Yeeeeeessss, I did it. Max's praise means a lot to me, even though I would never admit it publicly. Max is one of my most important humans besides Ming. He's like an older brother to me, probably because he's only a few years older than us, so he is able to understand and our problems pretty well. Max, Ming and I talk for a few more minutes about the upcoming training and the university championship, until we are interrupted by the loud chatter and laughter of our teammates.

The Pack has yet arrived. The Wolves - the name of our team. 13 fierce looking, crazy guys, loyal to the bitter end, reminiscent of a pack of wolves. And I'm the leader of that pack.

Max has to crack down to keep this crazy pack under control. Penalties, push-up chains, and jumping squats are just a few elements of his so-called puppy training. After a short theory session, the training starts with our usual warm-up program. Then we practice the passing-game and dribbling. As we start to practice throwing, I swallow hard. I look to Ming, Park, and Lam and I see the uncertainty in their eyes. We four have the same 'problem': our hit rate is 0.
I breathe deeply as it is my turn to throw and focus... "Repeat it, Forth!" Max yells. "Until you score. The same goes for Ming, Park, and Lam. "




"Ming, we need the little bastard."

Beam's POV

"Douche bag. How can you be so obtuse ... I just wasted my precious lifetime." I grumble to myself as I tug Kit after me into the dorm. "Beeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaam." Whines Kit. "How could you? I don't even have the number of my cutie pie." "I'm really not interested in your cutie pie when my stomach asks for meat and drink? "With these words, I push the whining Kit into the communal kitchen of our dormitory. Maybe I can distract him from his cutie pie if he has to peel potatoes?




"Beamie, your potato gratin is just divine." Kit delicately licks his fork. At this moment he really looks like a very satisfied Kittycat. I pat my shoulder mentally, to distract Kitty from his Cutie Pie was successful. After we cleared the decks in the kitchen, we devote ourselves to our assignments.




„Good night, Beamie."

„Good night, Kittycat. Sweet dreams."

Forth's POV

Ming and I are in the cafeteria of the Faculty of Mathematics and let our eyes wander over the students. The little black-haired bastard must be here...somewhere.

"Are you sure we can find her here?" I ask Ming. "Kit is a Mathematics and Computer Science student. Where else should he be?"

"Kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit! "Ming screams suddenly. I guess we found them. Ming rushes towards a slim figure with coppery brown hair. "Show me your dimples, baby." Okaaaaaay, these two actually seem to be destined for each other as I notice the glances they exchange. Then my attention turns to the figure next to Kit. The black-haired rascal looks confused on the scene that takes place in front of him. The dark eyes behind the round glasses, the knotted eyebrows, the pouting ... the situation is definitely not to his liking. I chuckle and approach him.

"Hi, my name is Forth. And I need your help, little rascal."

He flinches when I speak to him. The boy is really easily scared, or completely oblivious to his environment. I grin. "And you are?" "Uh, Beam." He looks at me in confusion as I pull him to one of the nearest free tables and place him on one of the chairs.

„Okay, Beam. Here is the deal. You are able to calculate the projectile motion without the help of any device and we have a problem with our hit rate. So, you are actually the perfect solution."


"Oh Beam, that's perfect. You have a topic for your assignment for Professor Kirin and at the same time you can help the university's basketball team with their problem. If that's not a win-win situation, then I don't know." Kit suddenly stands next to Beam and smirks at him.

Beam's POV

What the fuck?! What's happening right now?

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In case you want to know: I do not know myself what is happening right now. Probably because I'm just emptying the second bottle of sparkling wine with a friend while writing my story. Just's actually the third one. Gyhahahahahah...

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