Chapter XIV - Compliments?

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Thank you for your patience and sorry for the late update. I needed so much time for this chapter. On the one hand, because I had a little writer's block, and on the other, because this topic is not easy to handle for me.

Happy reading <3

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3rd Person's POV

Beam tries several times to release his hand from Forth's grip but to no avail. All the way to the restaurant, Forth is holding Beam's hand, even occasionally stroking the pale back of his hand with his thumb. Meanwhile, the basketball captain talks excitedly with Max and Tul, while Beam struggles to control the prickling and tingling on his skin and in his stomach.

Relief spreads in Beam when they finally reach the restaurant. But he crowed too soon.
The Italian restaurant near the university is all about old Hollywood glam and late-night classics. Guests sit in niches with red leather sofas and a semi-circular table with red plaid fabric tablecloths. Having dinner with body contact is therefore quite possible.

Gently but surely, Forth pushes Beam onto the red leather sofa and has sat down next to him before Beam can even begin to protest

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Gently but surely, Forth pushes Beam onto the red leather sofa and has sat down next to him before Beam can even begin to protest. On Beam's other side Max has settled down, next to him Tul.

Only a few moments later a waitress approaches them and hands them the menu with a smile, after all, she can't enjoy such an eye-candy every night. Eagerly, she looks at the four men in front of her, her eyes hanging on the shy-looking boy. Oh, how cute, she wants to eat him alive.

Forth's POV

"Ahem. When you are finished with staring, we would like to order." I bark at the waitress. I'm fuming. How dare she eyeballs my puppy so eagerly? I hear Max and Tul giggling.

She looks at me apologetically, then picks up her pen and waits for our order.

"I get vegetables antipasti with fish and mineral water."

"We two share Caprese Crema and a Pizza Margherita. In addition, please 1/2 liter of your house wine."

"And I'll take the saltimbocca and a non-alcoholic wheat beer."

The waitress nods and heads towards the kitchen.

Tul and Max are immediately engrossed in their conversation so that I can calmly deal with my pup.

"Beam, compliments are not your thing, are they?"

"Um, not really."


"Bad experience." He mutters softly, head down. His pony fringes cover his eyes.

"Hm?" I stroke carefully over his back and meet his strained look. Before Beam can answer, the waitress brings our drinks.

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